Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spring Signup Night this Thursday, June 2

We will hold our annual Spring Registration night on Thursday, June 2nd from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Greenwood Union Church, located at the corner of Main and Oak streets in Greenwood. You can drop in whenever it suits your schedule.

Designed for boys in grades one through five, the Cub Scout program teaches boys about community, family, self and the outdoors through a set of fun, organized activities.  Pack leaders will be available at the Registration Night to answer your questions and to show off some of the fun activities that Scouts do. 

While it's not required for returning Scouts to do the paperwork,  we encourage you to come to the signup night if you can.  Pack leaders will be there to answer any questions or address concerns that you might have.   It is also a great opportunity to offer suggestions or ideas for activities for next year, as we will be putting next year's program together over the summer.

The registration fee is $45, or $40 for additional siblings.  If you can't make it on Thursday, the registration fee can be given to your den leader, or sent to Jeff at 8 Robert Street, Wakefield.   Please make checks payable to Pack 722.   For more information contact Jeff Crump by email at jeffrey (dot) crump (at) gmail.com or by phone at 781-258-3298.   Of course, we will also have our Fall Roundup in September.

One of two Cub Scout packs in Wakefield, Pack 722 serves boys from all parts of Wakefield with the exception of the Dolbeare school. Boys from Dolbeare are encouraged to join Pack 712, which meets at the Wakefield-Lynnfield Methodist Church on Vernon Street.  Pack 712 will be having their Spring Registration on June 6.  For more information, please contact Kevin Scheeler at kscheeler (at) gmail.com or by phone at 781-439-0704.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cub Scout Memorial Day Observance, Friday and Monday

Good citizenship is a core value of Cub Scouting, and Pack 722 will be participating in Wakefield's Memorial Day observance in two ways.

This Friday, May 27, we will be helping to place flags on veterans graves at the Forest Glade cemetery.  Meet at the entrance to the cemetery at 4 pm.  The veterans in charge will give out flags, assign you to a portion of the cemetery and teach the boys the proper way to plant the flag.  It's often helpful to bring a long screwdriver to make a hole for the flag.  Please have your Scout wear at least his Pack 722 t-shirt and hat, although full uniform is always appropriate.   Forest Glade is on Lowell Street, between Vernon and Salem. 

On Monday, May 30 we will be marching in the Memorial Day parade. Meet at the Galvin Middle School parking lot no later than 12:45; the parade leaves for the Common promptly at 1 pm.   The ceremony at the Common usually lasts about 30 minutes and wraps up around 2 pm.   Scouts must be in full uniform.

Please make every effort to attend - it's the least we can do to honor those who have served our country.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sudden Pond camping a great time for all

We had a great time camping at Sudden Pond last weekend. Thanks to Mr. Butler and Mr. Root for bringing their canoes! The catfish were biting and the weather held up. What's not to like? Check out the photos in our photo gallery by clicking the image below.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spring Camping Next Weekend!

We have two big Pack events coming up in the next few weeks. Next weekend, May 14th-15th, is our Spring Camping overnighter. And our annual end-of-the-year celebration, the Blue and Gold Banquet, will be held on Thursday, May 19.

This note is about the camping trip next weekend. We are trying out a new location this time -- Sudden Pond at the Harold Parker State Forest. This campsite has been used for many years by the Cub Scout packs from North Reading. It's a beautiful site and close to home.


Sudden Pond Campsite at Harold Parker State Forest, North Reading, Massachusetts. Driving time from Wakefield is 15-20 minutes. Directions to the site -- along with some pictures of the site -- are posted on our website. Click here for directions and a map.


Arrival is between 1 pm and 3 pm on Saturday; come whenever your schedule allows. When you arrive, please check in with James, Ben, or Jeff. Please unload your car and then move it back to the parking area on the main road. We need to keep the number of vehicles at the site to a minimum.

You should have lunch before arriving at camp, as it will not be provided.

The schedule for Saturday is as follows:
  • 1:00 - 3:00 pm: Arrival, Setup, Fishing
  • 3:00 pm - Pack Hike/Nature Scavenger Hunt
  • 4:30 pm - Group activity/game. We will need parent volunteers to help set up dinner at this time.
  • 5:30 pm - Dinner
  • 7:00 pm - Cleanup, Dens practice skits
  • 8:00 pm - Campfire. Skits, songs, the works.
  • 10:00 pm - Lights out for Cubs. We ask for your cooperation at this time in making sure the boys are in bed.

Sunday morning we'll have a light breakfast and go on a hike. Usually everyone is packed up and on their way home by mid-morning, but we do have use of the campground until 12 noon.

We encourage Scouts to sleep over, of course, but we understand that some of the little guys might be overwhelmed. It's OK to come on Saturday for the activities and go home to sleep.

Please Note:

  • BSA regulations mandate that a child can not sleep in a tent with an adult that is not his parent or legal guardian. Webelos are permitted to sleep in tents (with other Webelos) without an adult.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on BSA-sanctioned overnight trips.
  • Due to the proximity of the campsite to the water, children must be supervised at all times. We are counting on you, the parents, to keep your children safe.

What to Bring:
  • Sleeping Bag, pad and pillow
  • Tent. The Pack has some to lend; contact the Cubmaster if you'd like to borrow one. There is no cabin at this site.
  • Flashlight
  • Rain coat or poncho
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste
  • Winter hat and mittens/gloves
  • Change of clothes
  • Chair for Fire-side
  • Fishing pole and tackle
  • Mini First Aid kit
  • Bug Spray
Everyone must be aware of our Pack pocketknife policy. As for toilet facilities, the camp has porta-potties. You may want to bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer.

Given our past experience, the weather always seems to rear its ugly head, but somehow, it usually ends up working out. So unless there's a major storm, the overnighter is on, "rain or shine".

Please contact your Den leader or Jeff Crump if you have any questions.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bear Den Archery

The Bears spent Saturday afternoon at the archery range at Camp Sayre. We learned how to handle equipment and shot countless arrows at the targets. Great fun!