Monday, December 27, 2021


Hello Pack 722,

The rewards points are now available in order to be claimed in the popcorn system. 

Here are some instructions on how to claim your reward from the app (it is basically the same online at the website),

Remember that this year, prizes only come in the way of Amazon gift cards. If you earned enough points for a gift card, it will show you when you log in. The minimum number of points needed to get a $10 gift card is 500 points  if you would like to review the prize system points and how they are earned as well as the prize levels, follow this link:

Thank you everyone for your hard work selling popcorn this year!

-the Kernel

Monday, December 6, 2021

Upcoming Pack Meeting Reminder

Hello Pack 722,

This is a reminder for our upcoming Pack meeting on Friday, December 10th at 6:30PM, which will be held at First Parish Congregational Church.  This meeting is our annual Pie-a-Palooza and promises to be very exciting.  If you may be in danger of getting pie'd, we recommend wearing clothes you might not mind moving on from if they don't clean up very well after the event.

Please also remember that the Wolf Den is running a food drive on Friday for donation to the Wakefield Food Pantry.  Please see the attached flier.

At the meeting, we will also have the Holiday Ornaments available for purchase and please remember that we are still currently running the holiday ornament fundraiser, albeit lower pressure than the popcorn fundraiser.

Friday will also be the night we pass out Pinewood Derby kits.  While the Pinewood Derby is not until the first weekend of March, it is coming fast and we want to get the kits into your hands so your scouts can start planning out their cars.  Please keep track of your kits and remember that part of the rules (to be sent out at a later date) include using BSA wheels and the axles included with your kits, as well as using the provided axle slots on the pinewood derby block.

Lastly, the Pack will be hosting a movie night on Friday, January 7th - 5:30PM.  Pizza and popcorn will be provided.  More information to come but we usually have a movie in the basement for the younger scouts and a second movie in the first floor area for the older scouts.  Siblings, as always, are welcome!

See you all Friday!  Yours in Scouting,

Pack 722 Committee

Monday, November 22, 2021

Pack Merger & Zoom Meeting Information

Greetings Pack 722,

As announced at the Pack Meeting, we have met with the leadership from Pack 712 for a discussion about merging both Cub Scout Packs of Wakefield. The reasons to consider merging are related to uneven rank numbers within Packs and parent leadership concerns in the future when Webelo and AOL cubs crossover in the future. As discussed, there are a list of pros and cons to the merger:

  1. Cons: 
    • All cubs will need a new application (combined Pack leadership will assist with this) 
    • It would be a large Pack, space could be an issue, but we will figure out where we will meet for next year. First Parrish is available (where the Troop meets), but we will be outside as well. 
    • People will need a new number on their uniforms (701) to match the New Pack 701. This number will unite the packs and be consistent with the Scouting Troop 701 once cubs cross over. 
  1. Upsides: 
    • Numbers will be more even between Den Ranks, 
    • There will be more programming opportunities with merged activities 
    • Combined parent leadership
    • Exposure to kids from other elementary schools which can help kids transition to the Galvin and Troop 701 in scouting. 
    • Increased continuity for Wakefield community
    • Financial benefits with more combined fundraising efforts.

More details: for the rest of this year, the Packs will each essentially do their own thing, but with a combined event or two such as the Pinewood Derby. We will likely charter together this year while meeting separately as Packs. In the spring we will start recruiting together as Pack 701 and finish transitioning into one large Pack for the 2022-2023 school year.  We will be able to include Pack 712 with the cool summer activities we participate in. We will communicate as needed about items related to the merger as things progress. Please let us know if there are questions or concerns about this information. We will be hosting a Zoom meeting after the Thanksgiving holiday for parent discussion in combination with Pack 712 leadership to provide more information. 

Topic: Parent Discussion for Pack 712/722 Merger 

Time: Nov 28, 2021 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 564 096 8693

Passcode: MBT

We hope to see you there and that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday together.

Yours in Scouting,

Pack 722 Leadership

Friday, November 19, 2021

Holiday Ornaments Fundraiser

Hello Pack 722,

As announced last night at the Pack meeting, we are exploring other potential fundraisers and one of them is selling holiday ornaments that are made locally by a scouter that administers some of the local BSA historic hikes.  The cost for these ornaments to customers is $10 each.  Hopefully, you took a look last night and will agree that the quality of these ornaments is quite good.  As noted at the pack meeting, we have limited quantities (10X of each ornament), so if you decide to buy some ornaments or make a sale, please do notify us so that we can keep track of our available quantities.

Here is a link to a PDF file with the ornament images:

Apologies in advance for the quality of some of the photos.  We will try to update the images shortly to have better and clearer images.

Thanks to everyone for their hard work during our popcorn fundraiser.  This fundraiser is low pressure but as stated previously, we would like to see if there is any traction for potentially expanding this in the future.

Much thanks as well to all the scouts, siblings and parents that helped out last night with putting together the holiday crackers, and to the scouts for making those greeting cards for our local veterans!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Pack Meeting Reminder

Hello Pack 722,

First, a reminder that we have a Pack Meeting on Thursday, November 18 at 6:30PM at First Parish Congregational Church.  Masks are required.  Additionally, please remember to bring your toilet paper and paper towel rolls for make Christmas crackers, along with any candy you are willing to donate.  We will separate the candies with nuts from the nut-free candies.  Furthermore, we are asking that some parents assist with preparing the crackers during the first part of the meeting so that the scouts can complete the assembly during the second half of the meeting.  Materials for cracker assembly will be supplied - we just need the additional hands to make the work go faster.  Much thanks!

Second, a reminder that if you have not paid your Pack dues yet, please get it to your Den Leader during the pack meeting this Thursday - $160 for the first scout, $150 for additional scouts.  Please reach out to your Den Leader if financial assistance is required; the Pack does have scholarships available.

Third, a correction to the previous message that was sent out -- the December pack meeting is on Friday, December 10th and NOT the 17th.  Apologies for that mistake.

Lastly, the Wolf Scouts will be collecting food donations at the December pack meeting as part of their community service project.  Please see the attached document for items they will be collecting.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Leadership

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Upcoming Pack Events

Hello Pack 722,

Upcoming Events -

Thursday, November 18th - 6:30PM - Pack Meeting, First Parish Congregational Church
Friday, December 17th - 6:30PM - Pack Meeting, First Parish Congregational Church
Friday, January 7th - 5:30PM - Pack Movie Night, First Parish Congregational Church

Please note that these events are scheduled to be indoors in the basement area of the church.  Current guidelines from our council is that all attendees at indoor meetings must wear masks.

For our November meeting, please save up your cardboard toilet paper roll and paper towel tubes and bring them with you to our pack meeting along with any excess Halloween candy you are willing to part with.  Every November, we take part of our pack meeting to make Christmas Crackers for donation to the Wakefield Food Pantry to spread some holiday cheer!  Additionally, our November pack meeting will be where we distribute popcorn sold via take-orders. Thanks to all the scouts and families for their hard work during our popcorn fundraiser!

Our December pack meeting is our annual pie-a-thon night for the scouts that earned the prize during our popcorn fundraiser.  It is an evening you will not want to miss!

Pack Dues: Pack dues this year are $160 for the first scout and $150 for additional scouts.  This can be by check (made out to Pack 722), cash or Venmo (@pack722wakefield).  If you use Venmo, please make sure to write your Scout's name and Den Number in the description. We are asking for all dues to be paid to your den leaders by the November pack meeting.  If for whatever reason you are unable to pay, we do have scholarships available -- please talk to your den leader or our committee chair (Brad Wagner).  Part of the Pack Dues that you pay go towards the Adventure Card, which gives free or discounted rates towards various scout and non-scout related activities. Here is a link to the council page for reference: 

Look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming pack events!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Leadership

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Fishing Derby Results

Thanks to all the scouts, families, and friends of scouts that came out today for the fall fishing derby!  Though chilly at the start with a cool wind, fish were caught and we hope a good time was had by all.

Before getting to our derby winners and their prizes, I noted that all fish caught today were either Yellow or White Perch.  Baits used were worms, corn, hot dog, and a variety of artificial lures - with a chartreuse jig with twisty-tail plastic grub taking the largest fish of the day.  Did you know that the Massachusetts state record for Yellow Perch is 2lbs 2oz and 17 inches long, and 3lbs 8oz and 18 inches long for White Perch?  While our fish today did not quite rival those records, they were still fun and exciting to catch!

Our Fall Fishing Derby Winners

Most Fish: Lincoln F., Webelos, Den 8 - 3 Fish Total
Biggest Fish: Jace M., Webelos, Den 5 - 9" Yellow Perch

Our winners will receive a gift certificate worth $20 to either Cravings or Hobby Bunker right here in Wakefield!  Congratulations to the winners!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Popcorn orders

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped with the popcorn fundraiser this year. There were a lot of Scouts who stepped up and raised a lot of money for the pack. 

Just a gentle reminder that you should have handed in your popcorn forms by now. Popcorn orders will be submitted on Friday morning which is the deadline. Unfortunately, If I don't have the orders in by then any orders you have taken on your forms will not be part of the orders going out on Friday and thus will be null and void. 

I don't want anyone to be caught out with unfilled orders. 

The Kernel

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Pack 722 Fishing Derby!

Hello Pack 722,

This Saturday, October 23rd, is our fall fishing derby at Lake Quannapowitt.  Bring a Friend!  We will fish from 8AM to 10AM along the south shore of the lake by the playground and boating area. We will have prizes for the scout that catches the most fish and the scout that catches the largest fish (by length).

The Pack will provide worms and corn for bait, and we will bring a few spare rods along with some fishing tackle Scouts should be in Class B uniforms with hats, and dressed for the weather.  Please bring whatever fishing gear you may want to use.  Right now there is a slight chance of showers and chilly - Autumn has arrived.

Let's put those fishing skills that were practiced at Sudden Pond to work right here in Wakefield on Lake Q!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Monday, October 18, 2021

Online Sales

Hello Scouting Families,

I have not tallied up the Online sales yet. I won't add those to our total until Friday if you still want to get some selling in. If you want to sign up for an account,  You can do that here. You may be asked about what scouting group you are affiliated with. We are Wakefield Pack 722 within the Flintlock District in the Spirit of America Council. 

Like I have said before, you will need to register for an account even if you don't sell online since it is the only way to get reward prizes for your scout. 

the Kernel

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Popcorn order forms Due Today!

Hello, Scouting Families,

Today is the deadline to get your popcorn order forms to your den leader. I apologize for not sending out a reminder last week. 

We are also collecting the money for the forms at the same time. Please be sure to pass in all of the cash and checks with the order forms. We are collecting the full amount of the take order form. 

If you did all of your ordering online, please let your den leader know. 

Checks can be made out to Cub Scout Pack 722. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

The Kernel

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Popcorn Sales on 10/17

Hello Scouting Families,

October17th is the last storefront sales day this year. Currently, we have 4 spots open on the 16th and 17th without any scouts in them. Please consider signing up your scout for one of these spots. 

The Kernel

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Pack 722 Sudden Pond Camping

Hello Pack 722,

Just a few days away from our fall camping trip to Sudden Pond in Harold Parker State Forest!  Here are a few reminders and additional information.
  • Camping is this Friday and Saturday (October 8th and 9th) night. Families can stay both nights, 1 night, or just attend the day activities on Saturday.
  • Families can arrive as early as 3PM on Friday. Departure on Sunday is after breakfast.
  • We are camping by Den this year. Please see the attached map and check-in with a scout leader when you arrive to determine where to set up your tent.
  • Meals are either by family or by den. If your den does not have a plan for a meal, then that meal is your family's responsibility.
  • The Pack does not provide cooking utensils nor stoves.  That said, if there is something you need, please reach out as we may be able to find someone within the Pack that can share with you.  That goes for any camping equipment and not just cooking gear.
  • Please bring plates, bowls, cups and utensils for your family, plus re-usable water bottles.  There is no potable water at the campsite but the Pack will be bringing some water for folks to fill up from.  We do advise you to bring some water as well for the weekend.
  • There is parking along the fire road that runs along the campsite. You will not need to walk your camping gear in very far, though your tent spot will likely not be right next to your vehicle either.
  • We will have a Pack Meeting Saturday night at 6:30PM around the campfire.  All are welcomed and encouraged to attend, whether you are camping that night or not.
  • Fire rings are currently reserved for the Webelos and AOL scouts as they have camp cooking requirements that they will be working on during the camping trip.
  • Scouts that have earned their Whittling Chip cards may bring pocket knives. We will be setting up a whittling area for these scouts.
  • All scouts staying overnight require an adult to stay as well.  All siblings are welcome to attend.
  • Scouts may not share a tent with one another.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Leadership

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Online Popcorn

Hello Scouting Families!

I wanted to put a bug in your ear about online popcorn sales. One of the easiest ways to sell popcorn is to create an online page at Trail's End. You can do that here. You may be asked about what scouting group you are affiliated with. We are Wakefield Pack 722 within the Flintlock District in the Spirit of America Council. 

It's really easy to upload a photo and then put in a little blurb about your scout and then send it to friends and family. 

You will need to register for an account even if you don't sell online since it is the only way to get reward prizes for your scout. 

Thanks everyone!

-the Kernel

Friday, October 1, 2021

Storefront sign-up for tomorrow

Hello folks,

We still have 6 slots open tomorrow with no scouts in them. I am desperate to find scouts to sign up for these slots. If your scout can spare an hour to sell popcorn tomorrow, please sign them up. 

The whole pack benefits from the popcorn sales every year so to be fair to all of the scouts, every scout should participate. 

-the Kernel

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Pack 722 Camping Trip

Hello Pack 722,

Our annual pack camping trip to Sudden Pond in Harold Parker State Forest returns this year on Friday, October 8 through Sunday, October 10, after a 2 year hiatus!  We are excited to be back at Sudden Pond as a pack after such a long time.  For those of you that have been on this trip before, there are some changes but the weekend promises to be as fun as previous years.  For those that have not been on this trip before, this is a Pack 722 tradition and we are thrilled to have you join us!

Here is a link for the location of the entrance to the Sudden Pond camping area:  The gate at this location is generally closed but will be open for us and we will have the Pack banner up as well at the entrance. There is generally enough parking for everyone but advise that in can get tight, so let's please keep the number of vehicles to a minimum.

Den activities will take place on Saturday along with our pack campfire/meeting on Saturday night, and potentially a den activity Sunday morning; Den Leaders will provide those details. Scouts are not required to spend the entire weekend to participate in any of the den and/or pack activities, but we do ask that each scout planning to camp has a parent/guardian accompanying them.  Scouts and families can attend as much as their schedule allows, and siblings are welcome to attend as well.

Scouts and families can arrive as early as 3PM on Friday.and departure is after breakfast Sunday morning.  We ask that before setting up your tent upon arrival, everyone check in with a scout leader so that they can be directed to the area their den will be using for the weekend so that the dens are camping together.  Camping gear is by family but if you do not have your own gear, please reach out as we may be able to find gear for you or at least direct you to wear it can be gotten.

The Pack covers the permit costs for the site, provides porta-potties with a hand-washing station, and will also provide water for refilling water bottles.  Meals will be per family or per Den, with the Saturday evening meal no longer being a Pack wide potluck but rather a potluck at the Den level.

Attached are 2 helpful documents that Den Leader Julie Wagner sent to her den with a FAQ and a packing list. Please note that some of the notations are specific to her Den but the documents are useful for everyone.
Yours in Scouting,                                                                               

Your Pack Leadership

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Popcorn Reminder

Hello scouting families,

Just a reminder to sign up for some storefront sales this weekend. There are still quite a few slots that need filling. We are expecting all scouts to volunteer to sign-up for at least two slots.

We try to keep our fundraising to just one major fundraiser for the year so it is important to sign-up to keep the costs low for all of our activities, camping, trips etc. for the year. Also, every slot that your scout signs up for is a chunk of money for prizes and a chance to throw a pie in someone's face!

Yours In Scouting,
the Kernel

Monday, September 27, 2021

Popcorn Show & Sell Storefront Sales

Hello scouting families,

I just wanted to get an email out there as a reminder to sign-up for popcorn selling slots that are still available. Most of next Saturday still needs scouts for most locations. 

Just a reminder that all scouts should wear masks as well as parents and leaders when they are at the selling locations. 


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Fwd: Second Slots for Show and Sell


Please see the message below from our Popcorn Kernel regarding Show & Sell signups.  Show & Sells start this weekend and there are still plenty of slots open for scouts to sign up.  Popcorn sales are our primary fundraiser for the year and help the pack provide the year-round programming for the scouts.  In addition, participating in the Show & Sells at least twice this year is a requisite for scouts to be in the running for our annual Pie-a-palooza where scouts get to pie a pack leader or other adult of their choosing.  Each slot is an hour and we will have a scout leader at each station throughout the times the Show & Sell is happening, so even if you see an empty slot, you will not be the only one there.

Scouts also earn a portion of the total sales for the day(s) that they attend a Show & Sell event, based on the # of slots, that gets applied toward their sales totals for prizes.

Thanks to all of you!  Let's all pitch in to complete a successful fundraiser this year so we can all move on to bigger and better adventures!

Your in Scouting,
Geoff Sheau, Cubmaster

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Neal Ellis <>
Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 2:21 PM
Subject: Second Slots for Show and Sell
To: Cub Scout Pack 722 <>

Hello Pack 722,

Feel free to visit Sign-up Genius and sign your scout up for an additional slot. Every scout should sign up for at least two show & sell slots. If you have sports to work around, you will want to get a slot ASAP.

Neal Ellis aka the Kernel

Monday, September 20, 2021

Second Slots for Show and Sell

Hello Pack 722,

Feel free to visit Sign-up Genius and sign your scout up for an additional slot. Every scout should sign up for at least two show & sell slots. If you have sports to work around, you will want to get a slot ASAP.

Neal Ellis aka the Kernel

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Popcorn Sign-up

Hello Folks,

I have opened up the Signup Genius for popcorn selling at storefronts. This is the storefront sales that we do as a fundraiser every year to raise money for the Pack.

When you visit the Signup Genius website or on your app, please only sign up your scout for ONE slot. I will send a second email informing you that you can sign up for another slot or two more slots.

Each scout earns an amount toward prizes for every storefront slot that they work. Time slots are one hour. 

the Kernel

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Popcorn Frequently Asked Questions

Hello Scouting Families,

Here is a link to the FAQ sheet I handed out at the Pack meeting on Friday. If you have any questions, feel free to email me back.

Neal, the Popcorn Kernel

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Cub Scouting Pack Meeting


The first Pack Meeting of the year is this Friday, September 17th at First Parish Congregational Church by the lake. Come join us at 6:00PM as we kick the year off!  Please note the time change from what was on the calendar earlier.

Cub Scouting is Outdoors!  We are planning for our first pack meeting to be outside.  Because we are planning to be outdoors, scouts are asked to wear their class B uniforms so we do not have to worry about losing those neckerchiefs and slides.  Please come prepared with chairs for all those that wish to have a seat.  Den leaders will be bringing blankets for their dens to sit together on during the first half of the meeting.  If it does rain, we will meet inside the church and everyone will be required to wear a mask indoors regardless of vaccination status.

We will recognize the scouts that were active with the pack during the summer including participating in service work, completing historic hikes, and attending residential summer camp.  We will also discuss our upcoming pack camping trip (after a 2 year absence) and some beginning of the year business, including dues and fundraisers.  Please do your best to attend to find out about all the things going on with the Pack - lots of adventures ahead.

Lastly, please find below a link to a flyer that we hope you will share with your friends in the area.  Cub scouting is open to all kids in grades K-5.  Bring your friends!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Leadership

Monday, August 23, 2021

Bring a Friend to fish Lake Q - Saturday 8/28

Bring your friends and come fish with us at Lake Q.  Kids under the age of 15 do not need a fishing license.

Saturday August 28th 8:30am-10am.  We will be over by the playground on the lower common.

Please dress for the weather, however if the scouts could wear their Class B uniforms or their scout hats that would be great.

Bring your fishing gear - if you have any extra, we may have some scouts who are in need to borrow it.  Please let us know.  Also, Walmart does have some cheaper poles for approx $10.  Wakefield also has a local store, Boats and Motors, on North Ave near the dinner.  A stick with string works as well!!!.

Make sure to bring your own drinking water.

The Pack will be providing corn and worms for bait - however, feel free to bring what bait you like to fish with.

Your Pack Committee

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Re: Bedford Flag Trail

Hi All,

A reminder that if you plan to hike with us this Saturday on the Bedford Flag Trail, please RSVP to Geoff Sheau no later than noon tomorrow so that we can arrange the requisite car shuttle for this hike.

Pack Leadership

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 12:17 AM CubScout PackSevenTwoTwo <> wrote:
BSA Historic Hike, Bedford Flag Trail
Saturday, August 14 - 8AM
Bedford, MA to Concord, MA

Our upcoming Pack hike this Saturday is the Bedford Flag Trail, which follows the route the Bedford Minuteman took from Bedford to Old North Bridge in Concord on April 19th, 1775.  The Bedford Flag is the oldest complete flag known to exist in the United States.  This is a recognized BSA Historic Hike.  Scouts and Scouters should wear class A uniform for the hike.  Completion of the hike, including the requisite questionnaire, will qualify all participants to receive a patch and medal.

This is a 5.5 mile one-way hike following roads and will require a car shuttle. There are 1.5 miles of this hike in the middle portion that are without sidewalk and will require walking single-file on the shoulder of the road.  The roads are primarily residential and it should be assumed that there will be no restroom facilities along the hike. Hikers should come prepared with good shoes for walking, appropriate clothing for the weather (current forecast is high of 92, 50% chance of showers), snacks, plenty of water, and sun protection.  Please bring a mask, as well.  Estimated time for completion of this hike is 3 hours - hopefully before the heat sets in.

If you plan to go on this hike with the Pack, please contact Cubmaster Geoff Sheau via email with # of hikers and # of extra spaces in your vehicle so the car shuttle details can be determined.  Please note that the car shuttle will require either riding in someone else's vehicle OR providing a ride to others in your vehicle; depending on numbers, we may need to shuttle drivers only but hoping we can avoid this.  Windows can be lowered and masks worn during the car ride for the comfort of participants if requested.  It is a 10min car ride from the end to the start of the hike.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Bedford Flag Trail

BSA Historic Hike, Bedford Flag Trail
Saturday, August 14 - 8AM
Bedford, MA to Concord, MA

Our upcoming Pack hike this Saturday is the Bedford Flag Trail, which follows the route the Bedford Minuteman took from Bedford to Old North Bridge in Concord on April 19th, 1775.  The Bedford Flag is the oldest complete flag known to exist in the United States.  This is a recognized BSA Historic Hike.  Scouts and Scouters should wear class A uniform for the hike.  Completion of the hike, including the requisite questionnaire, will qualify all participants to receive a patch and medal.

This is a 5.5 mile one-way hike following roads and will require a car shuttle. There are 1.5 miles of this hike in the middle portion that are without sidewalk and will require walking single-file on the shoulder of the road.  The roads are primarily residential and it should be assumed that there will be no restroom facilities along the hike. Hikers should come prepared with good shoes for walking, appropriate clothing for the weather (current forecast is high of 92, 50% chance of showers), snacks, plenty of water, and sun protection.  Please bring a mask, as well.  Estimated time for completion of this hike is 3 hours - hopefully before the heat sets in.

If you plan to go on this hike with the Pack, please contact Cubmaster Geoff Sheau via email with # of hikers and # of extra spaces in your vehicle so the car shuttle details can be determined.  Please note that the car shuttle will require either riding in someone else's vehicle OR providing a ride to others in your vehicle; depending on numbers, we may need to shuttle drivers only but hoping we can avoid this.  Windows can be lowered and masks worn during the car ride for the comfort of participants if requested.  It is a 10min car ride from the end to the start of the hike.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Friday, August 6, 2021

August Pack Events

Hello Pack 722,

Here are our August Pack events. As a reminder, participation in a Pack event each month through the summer qualifies scouts for the National Summertime Pack award.  Additionally, participation in one of the park cleanups qualifies scouts for recognition in Scouts BSA's Summer of Service.  And for those scouts that complete one (or more) of the historic hikes, there are patches and medals that will be awarded.

Saturday, August 7 - 9:00AM - Park Cleanup, Paddy Heights ( - Bring gloves and a trash bag. Class B uniforms.  We will spend an hour tidying up this park that not only has a veterans memorial but is also the recent site of an Eagle Scout Project.

Saturday, August 14 - 8:00AM - Bedford Flag Trail - 5.5 miles from Bedford to North Bridge in Concord, MA.  More details to follow but this trail includes 1.5 miles of on-road walking and is recommended for the older scouts in the Pack. Contact Geoff Sheau with any questions.

Saturday, August 28 - 8:30AM - Fishing at the Lower Common on Lake Q: Bring a Friend!!  We are encouraging you all to bring a friend along for some fishing fun at Lake Q.

As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Reminder: Park Cleanup Today - Mapleway, 9AM

Hi All,

Quick reminder that the Pack will be out at Mapleway this morning for a park cleanup at 9AM. We will hike into the town forest a little ways and then pickup trash on the way out. We should be done between 10:30 and 11.

Please bring good shoes for walking through the woods, a trash bag, and gloves if you have them.  Water and a snack will be good to have as well.

Your Pack Committee

Thursday, July 15, 2021

July Events

Hello All,

Reminder that we have an outing planned to Saugus Iron Works this Saturday, July 17th at 9:00AM - please note the time difference from the document previously sent out.  This outing will be led by Neal Ellis - see his message below.

Hello Pack 722,

The Pack has organized a hike at the Saugus Ironworks located in, you guessed it, Saugus. This will be a short hike on the grounds as well as a fantastic opportunity to learn about the old-timey history of making metal in our country's oldest ironworks! 

The buildings on the site are closed due to COVID-19 at this time but we can get a view of all of the old-timey buildings and grounds. 

The Saugus Ironworks is located at:
244 Central Street
Saugus, MA 01906

We will meet in the parking lot at 9:00 am on Saturday July 17th. I will be leading the hike so look for me when you get there. 

Depending on the weather, you may need sunscreen and water. We will be next to the Saugus River so there could be a few mosquitos.

There will be one more opportunity in July to join in a Pack event on Saturday, July 24th at 9:00AM at a park cleanup at Mapleway Playground.  We will hike into the south part of the Town Forest a little ways and pick up litter that we find on the way back out.

Participating in at least 1 Pack event each month (June, July, August) during the summer qualifies scouts for the National Summertime Pack Award and this year, participating in at least 1 service project over the summer such as a park cleanup will qualify scouts to earn a patch through the BSA Summer of Service.

Please reach out with any questions.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Monday, July 12, 2021


It appears that Den 5&14 got tagged onto the front of my last email subject but this hike is for the whole pack. 

Hello Pack 722,

The Pack has organized a hike at the Saugus Ironworks located in, you guessed it, Saugus. This will be a short hike on the grounds as well as a fantastic opportunity to learn about the old-timey history of making metal in our country's oldest ironworks! 

The buildings on the site are closed due to COVID-19 at this time but we can get a view of all of the old-timey buildings and grounds. 

The Saugus Ironworks is located at:
244 Central Street
Saugus, MA 01906

We will meet in the parking lot at 9:00 am on Saturday July 17th. I will be leading the hike so look for me when you get there. 

Depending on the weather, you may need sunscreen and water. We will be next to the Saugus River so there could be a few mosquitos.

One last thing: If you haven't done anything for July with the Pack and you want to get the Summertime pack award, this may be your chance to reach that goal! Usually, scouts will march in the parade to accomplish their July activities but not this year.



Hello Pack 722,

The Pack has organized a hike at the Saugus Ironworks located in, you guessed it, Saugus. This will be a short hike on the grounds as well as a fantastic opportunity to learn about the old-timey history of making metal in our country's oldest ironworks! 

The buildings on the site are closed due to COVID-19 at this time but we can get a view of all of the old-timey buildings and grounds. 

The Saugus Ironworks is located at:
244 Central Street
Saugus, MA 01906

We will meet in the parking lot at 9:00 am on Saturday July 17th. I will be leading the hike so look for me when you get there. 

Depending on the weather, you may need sunscreen and water. We will be next to the Saugus River so there could be a few mosquitos.

One last thing: If you haven't done anything for July with the Pack and you want to get the Summertime pack award, this may be your chance to reach that goal! Usually, scouts will march in the parade to accomplish their July activities but not this year.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

RSVP NEEDED - Saturday, July 10th - 8:00 AM - Isaac Davis Historic Trail, Acton to Concord

Please respond to Geoff by email by Friday the 9th @ 5pm if you plan on going.  We need to make sure we have enough shuttles from the beginning to the end.

The Isaac Davis Trail (Historic Trail - Acton and Concord, MA).  This is a great hike for older scouts or those that are experienced with longer trails.

This is a  7 mile  trail that runs between Acton and the North Bridge in Concord. This is the same trail that the Acton Minutemen followed to fight the British Red Coats on April 18-19, 1775 in the Battle of Concord. Scouts and Scouters will earn the special hiking patch by completing this hike, shown below.

We will meet at 8AM at the parking lot adjacent to the TJ O'Grady Skateboard Park in Acton and walk over to the start of the trail at the Isaac Davis House along Hayward Road.  From there, we will make our way through Acton and Concord to North Bridge.  This hike is primarily alongside roads with a portion along a town easement through the woods.  There will be limited (if any) bathrooms along the trail.

Weather looks decent with highs in the upper 70s and a slight chance of showers. Come prepared with good walking shoes, sun protection, water and snacks -- think Cub Scout 6 Essentials.  Plan on the hike taking 3-4 hours not including the shuttling back to the starting point.

Yours in Scout,

Your Pack Committee

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Town Park Cleanup Saturday 6/26 and Summer Activity documents.

Saturday, June 26th we will be having our 1st Town Forest clean up service project at the entrance of JJ Round on Main Street.  

These events include taking a small hike into the town forest.  This is perfect for any aged scout.  

We start at 9am.

Please remember to wear appropriate Footwear and Dress According to the weather.  In addition, don't forget your Water, Snacks, Bug spray, Sun Screen, Gloves, Trash Bags or any other essential items.    

Also attached are our Summer Activity Calendar as well as the Summer Camp Options document.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Your Pack Committee

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Are you looking for a Cub Scout Day Camp?

Even though this year's Wakefield Cub Scout Day camp is not able to be available.  The Topsfield day camp still has openings.  It is running July 5-9th.  If you are interested, here is the link

Yours In Scouting

Your Pack Committee

Spirit of '76 Trail Saturday June 12th

On Saturday, June 12th, 9:00AM - we have an exciting hike in Marblehead planned, lead by Geoff Sheau.  Please contact Geoff if you plan to attend (email above).

Spirit of '76 Trail

The purpose of the 2 mile loop trail is to tell the story the townspeople of Marblehead played in the Revolutionary War.

This is a self guided walking tour of downtown Marblehead that starts at Abbot Hall. Abbot Hall is the present day Town Hall of Marblehead and doubles as a historical museum that we may be able to tour to start the hike.

There are 15 points of interest to see on the hike and a 17 questionnaire to complete. We will see historical houses, an old Fort, an old burial ground for revolutionary soldiers and learn of pirates, ghosts and witchcraft.

This is a historic trail and completion of the trail qualifies participants to receive a patch and/or medal. 

All scouts and leaders are to be in class A uniforms for the hike.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Cemetery Flags and Crossover

Cemetery Flags

The Memorial Day Flag Placement at both Lakeside Cemetery and Forest Glade happen next week.  This is a town wide event and not just for the Pack.   The Wagner Family will be at Lakeside Cemetery.  The Belyea Family will be at Forest Glade Cemetery.  So you should see people you recognize at each location.  

For those going, please come in your Class A uniform and if it's hot, be sure to bring a water bottle.  A screwdriver is helpful to bring as it can start the hole for the flagpole.  We stay until all of the graves have a flag.

Lakeside:  Meet at the Chapel
Arrive by 3:45 p.m.  Starts at 4
Monday, May 24th

Forest Glade
Arrive by 3:45 p.m. Starts at 4
Friday, May 28th

Pack Crossover

On Friday June 4th we will be hosting our annual Pack Crossover.  We are doing a few things differently.  First of all, we are asking that only immediate family attend as we will be hosting this outside in the church parking lot.  Second, we will be staggering the times to support social distancing.  After your group is done, please safely leave the parking lot; remember there will be a lot of scouts arriving and departing.  If you will not be able to attend, please let your den leader know so that they can make arrangements to meet up with you another time.

Please make sure your scouts are appropriately dressed in their Class A uniforms

- 6-6:20 tigers
- 6:30-6:50 wolf
- 7-7:20 Bear
- 7:30-7:50 Webelos

It is time to award you for all of your hard work this year.

Yours in Scouting
Your Pack Committee

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Here fishy fishy....

Come fish with us at Lake Q.  Kids under the age of 15 do not need a fishing license.

Saturday May 15th 8am-9am

Please dress for the weather, however if the scouts could wear their Class B uniforms or their scout hats that would be great.

Make sure to wear your masks.

Bring your fishing gear - if you have any extra, we may have some scouts who are in need to borrow it.  Please let us know.  Also, Walmart does have some cheaper poles for approx $10.  Wakefield also has a local store, Boats and Motors, on North Ave near the dinner.  A stick with string works as well!!!.

Make sure to bring your own drinking water.

The Pack will be providing corn and worms for bait - however, feel free to bring what bait you like to fish with.

We will be spreading out around the lake.  Please see the picture below as to where each group will be.  Pack Leadership will be around to help you.

Lions, Tigers and Webelos - The Red X

Bears - The Blue X

Wolf and AOL's - The Yellow X

Hope to see you all there!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Sumer Camp Information Needed and Deadline approaching

Just a quick update for those who are considering summer camp.

If you have already or plan to register, we need the following information for all going including leaders:
Name, Gender, Birth Date, Parent Name, Address, Primary Phone Number, Primary Email

Secondly, a reminder that we only have 5 days left if you are interested in camp.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Yours in Scouting,

Your Pack Committee

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Change of Date - Resident Camp Q&A with leaders and former participant

While Scouts love rainy weather - most parents do not.

We have decided to move our Q&A session with leaders Brad & Jessica as well as former Camp Carpenter participant, Ben Belyea, to Sunday May 2nd at 4 pm.  Still at the Wagner's home at 8 Cedar Court.  We hope anyone who has questions, parent or scout, comes to learn what camp is all about.  We already have 4 scouts signed up.  Once we have our 5th, we get to reserve our site.

Yours In Scouting,

Your Pack Committee

Friday, April 23, 2021

We are going to Summer Camp!

We are so excited to be able to offer the chance for Pack 722 to go to summer resident camp at Camp Carpenter in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Our week of camp will be June 27th through July 1st.  Leaders, Brad Wagner and Jessica Belyea, have volunteered to go.  The cost will be $400 at this time.  If the only reason you cannot attend is due to financial restrictions, please let us know as there are potential scholarships available.

If you would like to join us, please know these important dates.

By 5/10/2021 - Reply to this email with your scouts name.

By 5/10/2021 - Bring payment to the Wagner's home at 8 Cedar Court in an envelope.

By 5/25/2021 - Bring completed parts A, B and C including portions to be filled out by your child's doctor's office to the Wagner's home.

For any scouts who want to know about what Camp is like, Boy Scout Ben Belyea, who attended Camp Carpenter for 3 summers, will be at the Wagner's home this Thursday 4/29 at 7:30pm to answer any of their questions.

As always, if you have any questions, please let us know.  We hope you are as excited as we are.

Yours In Scouting,
Your Pack Committee