Monday, August 23, 2021

Bring a Friend to fish Lake Q - Saturday 8/28

Bring your friends and come fish with us at Lake Q.  Kids under the age of 15 do not need a fishing license.

Saturday August 28th 8:30am-10am.  We will be over by the playground on the lower common.

Please dress for the weather, however if the scouts could wear their Class B uniforms or their scout hats that would be great.

Bring your fishing gear - if you have any extra, we may have some scouts who are in need to borrow it.  Please let us know.  Also, Walmart does have some cheaper poles for approx $10.  Wakefield also has a local store, Boats and Motors, on North Ave near the dinner.  A stick with string works as well!!!.

Make sure to bring your own drinking water.

The Pack will be providing corn and worms for bait - however, feel free to bring what bait you like to fish with.

Your Pack Committee

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Re: Bedford Flag Trail

Hi All,

A reminder that if you plan to hike with us this Saturday on the Bedford Flag Trail, please RSVP to Geoff Sheau no later than noon tomorrow so that we can arrange the requisite car shuttle for this hike.

Pack Leadership

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 12:17 AM CubScout PackSevenTwoTwo <> wrote:
BSA Historic Hike, Bedford Flag Trail
Saturday, August 14 - 8AM
Bedford, MA to Concord, MA

Our upcoming Pack hike this Saturday is the Bedford Flag Trail, which follows the route the Bedford Minuteman took from Bedford to Old North Bridge in Concord on April 19th, 1775.  The Bedford Flag is the oldest complete flag known to exist in the United States.  This is a recognized BSA Historic Hike.  Scouts and Scouters should wear class A uniform for the hike.  Completion of the hike, including the requisite questionnaire, will qualify all participants to receive a patch and medal.

This is a 5.5 mile one-way hike following roads and will require a car shuttle. There are 1.5 miles of this hike in the middle portion that are without sidewalk and will require walking single-file on the shoulder of the road.  The roads are primarily residential and it should be assumed that there will be no restroom facilities along the hike. Hikers should come prepared with good shoes for walking, appropriate clothing for the weather (current forecast is high of 92, 50% chance of showers), snacks, plenty of water, and sun protection.  Please bring a mask, as well.  Estimated time for completion of this hike is 3 hours - hopefully before the heat sets in.

If you plan to go on this hike with the Pack, please contact Cubmaster Geoff Sheau via email with # of hikers and # of extra spaces in your vehicle so the car shuttle details can be determined.  Please note that the car shuttle will require either riding in someone else's vehicle OR providing a ride to others in your vehicle; depending on numbers, we may need to shuttle drivers only but hoping we can avoid this.  Windows can be lowered and masks worn during the car ride for the comfort of participants if requested.  It is a 10min car ride from the end to the start of the hike.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Bedford Flag Trail

BSA Historic Hike, Bedford Flag Trail
Saturday, August 14 - 8AM
Bedford, MA to Concord, MA

Our upcoming Pack hike this Saturday is the Bedford Flag Trail, which follows the route the Bedford Minuteman took from Bedford to Old North Bridge in Concord on April 19th, 1775.  The Bedford Flag is the oldest complete flag known to exist in the United States.  This is a recognized BSA Historic Hike.  Scouts and Scouters should wear class A uniform for the hike.  Completion of the hike, including the requisite questionnaire, will qualify all participants to receive a patch and medal.

This is a 5.5 mile one-way hike following roads and will require a car shuttle. There are 1.5 miles of this hike in the middle portion that are without sidewalk and will require walking single-file on the shoulder of the road.  The roads are primarily residential and it should be assumed that there will be no restroom facilities along the hike. Hikers should come prepared with good shoes for walking, appropriate clothing for the weather (current forecast is high of 92, 50% chance of showers), snacks, plenty of water, and sun protection.  Please bring a mask, as well.  Estimated time for completion of this hike is 3 hours - hopefully before the heat sets in.

If you plan to go on this hike with the Pack, please contact Cubmaster Geoff Sheau via email with # of hikers and # of extra spaces in your vehicle so the car shuttle details can be determined.  Please note that the car shuttle will require either riding in someone else's vehicle OR providing a ride to others in your vehicle; depending on numbers, we may need to shuttle drivers only but hoping we can avoid this.  Windows can be lowered and masks worn during the car ride for the comfort of participants if requested.  It is a 10min car ride from the end to the start of the hike.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Friday, August 6, 2021

August Pack Events

Hello Pack 722,

Here are our August Pack events. As a reminder, participation in a Pack event each month through the summer qualifies scouts for the National Summertime Pack award.  Additionally, participation in one of the park cleanups qualifies scouts for recognition in Scouts BSA's Summer of Service.  And for those scouts that complete one (or more) of the historic hikes, there are patches and medals that will be awarded.

Saturday, August 7 - 9:00AM - Park Cleanup, Paddy Heights ( - Bring gloves and a trash bag. Class B uniforms.  We will spend an hour tidying up this park that not only has a veterans memorial but is also the recent site of an Eagle Scout Project.

Saturday, August 14 - 8:00AM - Bedford Flag Trail - 5.5 miles from Bedford to North Bridge in Concord, MA.  More details to follow but this trail includes 1.5 miles of on-road walking and is recommended for the older scouts in the Pack. Contact Geoff Sheau with any questions.

Saturday, August 28 - 8:30AM - Fishing at the Lower Common on Lake Q: Bring a Friend!!  We are encouraging you all to bring a friend along for some fishing fun at Lake Q.

As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership