Monday, November 30, 2020

Prizes for Popcorn Sales Follow-up

Update on prizes:

Once all of the scouts have created their online accounts and I am able to add their take-order sales to their account, I can release the prize rewards points. I will need to complete all sales for every scout before I do that. When I release the rewards, I will send out an email letting you know that your scout can login and select their prize.

All of this only applies if your scout had any sales this year.

-The Kernel


Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

In order for your scout to receive or select a prize for their sales, they will need to create an online account. In order to do that, please go to and create an account if you have not already done so.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Ornaments and Popcorn Updates

Just a reminder that all ornament order forms are due to your den leaders by 5pm tomorrow.  Please let them know if you have not sold any so that we do not miss any orders.

We would like to apologize for the silence regarding the popcorn orders as we have been waiting on Council to get back to us.  We found out today that the majority of our order is in, although there are a few items on backorder.  Neal will be reaching out to those who did take orders either Tuesday or Wednesday to let you know when you can pick them up.  We appreciate everyone's patience this year.

Your Pack Committee

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Fwd: Pack Holiday Ornament Opportunity

Just a reminder that the ornament sales are due to your den leaders by Tuesday November 24th.  Please give cash or check at the time of your order.  I have also attached a new pamphlet with what the Prototype looks like for the Pack Emblem.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Pack Holiday Ornament Opportunity


  We have received an opportunity to sell Holiday Ornaments as a pack. These ornaments are made by the same gentleman who makes the medals for the special hikes we participate in. Each ornament is $10.00 a piece.  In order to receive the order before the holidays, we are asking for all order forms by Tuesday November 24th.  

First first ornament is a medallion which will be personalized to say Pack 722 Wakefield, MA.
Medallion will say "PACK 722" and "WAKEFIELD" - this is an example image.  
Attached you will find 3 items.
  1. A pdf with a visual of each ornament available for purchase.
  2. A pdf of the order form.
  3. An excel version of the order form with formulas to calculate the totals for you.
Each Den leader will need to know whether or not you have sold to make sure we do not miss anyone's orders.  We hope you all enjoy these wonderful items.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Yours in Scouting,

Your Pack Committee