Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Upcoming Pack 722 Events
Friday, December 2, 2022
Pack Committee Meeting Sunday 12/4 @ 7:30pm
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Pack Meeting & Leaf Clean-Up
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Cancelled: Dutton Center
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Pack 722 - November Events
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Applications, Dues, & Candy
Pay by Venmo - The account is @wakefieldcubscouts (this has changed from last year). Please put your scouts name in the memo.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Fwd: Sudden Pond - Additional Details
Friday, October 7, 2022
Sudden Pond Camping Trip: Details
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Pack Dues
Pay by Venmo - The account is @wakefieldcubscouts (this has changed from last year). Please put your scouts name in the memo.
Friday, September 30, 2022
Fall Camping Trip - October 14th-16th
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Who Love's Chocolate! Its Fundraising Time
Fall Camping Trip
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Pack 722: Kick-Off Pack Meeting
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Freedom Trail Hike Update
- Instead of meeting at the Bunker Hill Monument, we will be meeting at the Oak Grove Orange Line Station at 9:15 am
- We will take the Orange line from Oak Grove to Downtown Crossing
- Everyone should download and print out the Cub Scout Freedom Trail Hike Worksheet to bring with them
- The hike will take about 3+ hours to complete
- Because this is a historic hike, scouts are required to wear their Class A uniform
- Scouts should pack their 6 essentials
- We will hike out of the City and conclude at the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Freedom Trail Hike
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Summertime Activity: Community Clean-Up @ Greenwood School
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Kickball Game - Bring a Friend!
Thursday, June 30, 2022
4th of July Parade Information
- Sunscreen
- Water
- Maybe a snack
- Wear your scout hat if you have one
- Good walking shoes
- You should plan to come around 3:00 to catch the shuttle to the top of the lake. Sometimes these can take a little while to show up. Alternatively, you can walk up North Ave.You may want to come earlier to make sure you can park at MG Fitness or the Galvin.
- Line up for the parade is at 4:00 pm and the parade starts at 5:00 pm.
- We have to be in the staging area at Lakeside by 4:00pm for line up as the streets along the parade route and I-95/128 exit 39 will be blocked off starting at 4:00pm. We are usually in the area behind the building that Glamatics is in.
- Groups arriving in multiple vehicles are asked to meet at Wakefield Memorial High School at 60 Farm St. to consolidate cars before heading to the main parking lots at the end of the route at the Galvin Middle School or MG Fitness. I've found a space at MG fitness in the past or dropped people off at the Lakeside Office Park then drove back toward downtown and parked.
- You will receive instructions on where to park as you approach the Galvin, 525 Main St Wakefield, MA 01880.
- Parking locations will be determined by the End of Route volunteers and you may be directed to park at the school or gym. Two shuttle busses will depart from the front doors of the school and gym making loops between the end and beginning of the parade starting at 12:30pm and the last shuttle will leave for the staging area at 3:45pm.
- If you plan to use the shuttle, please arrive early and meet the bus at the front of the school or the gym.]
- Please carpool as much as possible to reduce the number of vehicles in the parking lots. Once spots are taken, we have limited parking options available.
- Upon arrival at the staging area, a volunteer will assist you in finding your designated location. We are no longer shuttling people to their staging location in golf carts. You are expected to walk to your designated location. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
- All vehicles not participating in the parade are limited to 30 minutes in the staging area for drop-off. After 30 minutes they will be sent towards the Galvin Middle School/MG Fitness parking areas to wait for their group. You will be trapped until after the parade if you do not leave before the roads close.
- If you are taking the shuttle from the end to the staging area, please arrive in the middle school or gym parking area BEFORE 3:30pm in order to be in the staging area for 4:00pm.
- The last shuttles will leave the parking areas at 3:45pm.
- Once the roads start to close it will be very difficult to get to the staging area or the end of route parking area.
- Bathroom facilities will be available in the staging and parking areas
- ]No alcohol is to be consumed in the staging area or during the parade.
- The parade is 1.9 miles long and ends at the Galvin Middle School.
- The parade is held rain or shine. In the event of severe weather, you will be contacted.
- It will take approximately 1 hour once you have begun walking in the parade, to finish
Friday, June 24, 2022
Reminder: JJ Round Park Cleanup
Friday, June 17, 2022
Summertime Cub Scouting
· June 4-5: Battleship Cove
· June 25th : Clean up at JJ Round (8:30-10:00 AM)
· June 26th-30th : Camp Carpenter
· July 1st : Camp Carpenter for AOL scouts
· July 4th : 4th of July Parade
· July 9th : Kickball - BRING A FRIEND!
· July 18-22nd : Day Camp in Topsfield - https://experiencebasecamp.org/products/topsfield-youth-day-camp-2022
· July 30th : Clean Up at Paddy Heights (8:30-10:00 AM)
· August 13th: Freedom Trail
· August 27th : Geocache (location to be determined)
· Early September: Farmers Markets
Monday, May 23, 2022
Placing Flags at Lakeside Cemetery TODAY!
Monday, May 16, 2022
Pack Crossover
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Last Call - Battleship Cove
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Pack News - May Edition
Friday, April 29, 2022
NO CHURCH CLEAN-UP - April 30, 2022
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Pack Overnight - Battleship Cove, June 4-5
Friday, April 22, 2022
Movie Night - April 29th at Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Pack 722 News
Saturday, March 26, 2022
2022 Districts Pinewood Derby
Lions - 9:00
Tigers - 10:00
Wolves - 11:00
Bears - 12:00
Webelos 1 - 1:00
Webelos 2/AOL - 2:00
Saturday, March 12, 2022
2022 Pinewood Derby Results
Saturday, March 5, 2022
2022 Best in Show
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Best in Show contenders are posted and available for voting. Please only vote once per scout. | |
2022 Best in Show | |
We are pleased to present and congratulate the winners for best in show per den. Now it is your turn to choose the Best in Show for the entire Pack. Each Scout can vote once. | |
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Create your own Google Form |
Link for Virtual Pinewood Derby
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
It's Derby Week!
Hello Pack 722,
Welcome to Pinewood Derby Week! Scouts . . . Start Your Engines!!!
Weigh In
The Derby Weigh In will be Friday March 4th from 6:00-8:00 PM (sorry no early check ins). To help socially distance, we are assigning time slots by rank. If you have a child in multiple time slots, feel free to come to just one of them. Looking at the weather forecast right now, check-in will most likely be inside in the basement. Masks are still required when we are indoors.
Lions/Tigers: 6:00
Wolf: 6:25
Bear: 6:50
Webelos: 7:15
AOL: 7:40
All family cars must be checked on Friday night. No cars will be allowed to be checked in on Saturday March 5th (derby day). All cars will be kept overnight at the church. If you personally cannot attend the weigh in, please give your car to someone who can check it in for you. No Uniforms are required.
No car can weigh more than 5 ounces. The Pack uses one scale to record the official weight. All cars are checked in using that one scale to keep things even. We will have a few tools and graphite to make minor adjustments to your cars if necessary.
Best in Show
We will be sending out a link to a virtual voting system late Friday night/early Saturday morning to choose the Pack Best in Show. All voting must be recorded by midnight on Sunday, March 6th. For those of you that are new, Best in Show is chosen by the scouts from the cars that have won Best in Den, as chosen by the scout leaders.
Derby Day
Our Annual Derby will be held at the church on Saturday March 5th.
Our race will be in person and virtual this year. Class A uniforms are required for scouts attending the race at the church. Please note that for everyone attending the races at the church, masks are required per guidance from our local scouting council.
Here is the link for the 2021 Pinewood Derby stream on YouTube. https://youtu.be/VGFPOcA6XWQ The link for this year's racing will be sent out shortly.Races are held by rank. Please make sure to log on 5 minutes prior to your start time if you are attending virtually as we do not wait for everyone to arrive. Even if you cannot attend the day, your car can race!
• AOL 9-10
• Webelos 10-11
• Bear 11-11:45
• Wolf 11:45-12:30
• Tiger 12:30-1:15
• Lions 1:15-1:45
• Family Race 1:45