Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Upcoming Pack 722 Events

Hello Pack 722,

This coming Friday, December 16th at 6:30PM at the Wakefield-Lynnfield Methodist Church is our December Pack Meeting.  This meeting, we recognize our top fundraisers from the fall candy sales in our Pie-a-Palooza event where each den's top seller gets to "pie" a pack leader, parent, or sibling.  Here are the top sellers :

Tiger - Ian Lander
Wolf - Brady Rafael
Bear - Alex Theisen
Webelos - Nicholas Nou & Trent Savage
AOL Den 5 - Sylvan Sheau
AOL Den 8 - Christian Guild
AOL Den 14 - Leah Ellis

TOP THREE SCOUTS: Matty Belyea (Overall Winner), Ian Lander, Alex Theisen


One of our top three sellers will also get to have a pie thrown in their face - to be drawn at the meeting.  We do ask that everyone throwing a pie at the pack meeting give their pie-recipient fair warning so they can come prepared.  For all of you new to the Pack this year, Pack 722 has a tradition of using whipped cream with chocolate - so plan accordingly, including wearing clothes you will not mind potentially needing to retire.

Scouts will also receive their Pinewood Derby (PWD) kits at the pack meeting.  Please see your den leaders at the end of the pack meeting to pick up your kit so they can keep track of who has received it and who has not.  If you cannot make it to the pack meeting, your den leader will have the kit to give to you at your next den meeting.  A separate email will be sent out with the rules for the PWD.  In addition to the scouts racing, we also have a family race for any family members that are not scouts (kids or adults), so they can pour all of their imagination, desires and skill into a car of their own for racing.  Family cars are held to the same rules that the scouts' cars are required to meet.  The pack will have some additional kits available for purchase at $5 each, whether for an entry into the family race or a "just in case" kit to have.

Friday, January 6 - 5:30PM @ Wakefield-Lynnfield UMC - MOVIE NIGHT: Popcorn will be provided but not pizza.
Friday, January 20 - 6:30PM @ Wakefield-Lynnfield UMC - Blue & Gold Pack Meeting
Saturday, January 21 - Pinewood Derby Workshop @ Mr. Pothier's - Details to be included in PWD email.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership

Friday, December 2, 2022

Pack Committee Meeting Sunday 12/4 @ 7:30pm

We would like to invite all parents and committee members to our next meeting.  It will be held this Sunday at 7:30pm at our Asst Cubmaster Matt Theisen's house   6 Hancock Rd, Wakefield .

This spring, a large portion of our committee will be crossing over to the Troop leaving a number of positions open.  In order to continue our strong Pack, we need your help.  If you are interested in joining the committee or just want to see what we do, please join us.  We would love to have you there.  Please note - this is an Adult only meeting.

We hope you can make it.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Pack Meeting & Leaf Clean-Up

Hello Pack 722,

This is a reminder that we have a Pack Meeting this Friday, November 18th at 6:30PM at the Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church.  As it is the season of Thanksgiving and scouts are Kind and Helpful, we are running a Food Drive and are asking that scouts and scouting families bring a non-perishable item or two for donation to the Wakefield Food Pantry.  Here are the current suggested donation items:

The following day on Saturday, November 19th from 9:00 to 11:00 AM, we will reassemble at the same church to be helpful and show our gratitude to the church for supporting us and allowing us the use of their space by raking, sweeping, and collecting the leaves that have piled up around the church during this fall season.

We look forward to seeing you all at the two upcoming events!

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Committee

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Cancelled: Dutton Center

Hello Pack 722,

Apologies for the late notice but the event at the Dutton Center tomorrow, Friday, November 11th is cancelled.  See you all at the Pack meeting on Friday, November 18th and for the leaf pick-up on Saturday, November 19th - both at the Wakefield-Lynnfield UMC.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Committee

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Pack 722 - November Events

Hello Pack 722,

Here are the upcoming November Pack events -

Friday, November 11th - Veterans' Day - Dutton Center Adult Day Health Center, Wakefield
Friday, November 18th - 6:30 PM - Pack Meeting, Wakefield/Lynnfield United Methodist Church
Saturday, November 19th - 9:00-11:00 AM - Leaf Pick-Up Day, Wakefield/Lynnfield United Methodist Church

Please note that these events are up on the Pack calendar and can be accessed at this link: http://www.pack722wakefield.com/p/calendar.html
The calendar is kept on google calendars and if you use that app, you should be able to add the Pack calendar to your own.

For those wondering about the Dutton Center event, in the past, we have had a group of scouts go to this adult day health center to do skits and play games with the clientele.  It is usually about an hour or two and the folks at the Dutton Center have really enjoyed being able to interact with the youth.  More information to follow.

Other Reminders -
- Candy money is due to your den leaders this weekend. 
- Pack Dues are also being collected this weekend.  Dues can be paid via check made out to "Pack 722" or via Venmo @wakefieldcubscouts.  Please reach out to this email and/or your den leader if you are in need of financial assistance.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Leadership Team

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Applications, Dues, & Candy

Hello Pack 722,

What a fabulous weekend we had for camping and spending time outdoors together.  We hope you all had a great time!  Some reminders to go through -

First, if you are a scout new to the Pack this year and have not either applied online or submitted a paper application already, please do so ASAP.  If we can get your scout's application into Council this week, they should be added to our roster and ScoutBook much quicker so we can start tracking their advancements and progress in scouting!  Attached is a PDF fillable application.  Please print it out, sign it, and scan it back in - they can be sent to the Pack email address.  Please note that we prefer to receive paper applications to submit.  Also note that if you did join the Pack via the online application at scouting.org, you are all set as far as dues are concerned.

Second, Pack Dues - $160 for the first scout, $150 for additional scouts in your family.  Financial assistance is available!  Please reach out to your den leader or to the Pack email address.  We want to make scouting available to everyone and will work with you to make sure the finance part is not a roadblock.  We are asking that dues be submitted no later than November 4th.  There are 2 ways to pay dues -
Pay by Check - Please make checks payable to "Pack 722"
Pay by Venmo - The account is @wakefieldcubscouts (this has changed from last year). Please put your scouts name in the memo.

Lastly, the Pack fundraiser continues with the hope that all scouts will sell a minimum of 2 boxes of candy.  Based on what we have heard, it seems sales are going well.  Let's keep it up through the end of October!  Money from candy sales is due on November 4th and can be submitted to your den leader.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Fwd: Sudden Pond - Additional Details

Pack 722,

Here are some additional details for the camping trip plus a map of the camping area and where Dens should set up.

Water - There is no potable water at Sudden Pond.  The Pack will bring some gallon jugs of water and some of the scout leaders will bring large water containers, but generally speaking, please come prepared with enough water for your family.
Cooking and Eating - The Pack does not provide stoves nor plates, bowls, utensils nor cups.  Please bring what you need to cook and eat your meals.
Toilets - The Pack has arranged for there to be porta-potties on site.  There are no other toileting facilities nearby.
Pack Meeting - Class A uniforms are not required.  We do recommend a camp chair for sitting around the campfire.

As noted previously, please do not show up earlier than 5PM Friday if you plan on camping Friday evening.  Please also note that we do have the camping area at Sudden Pond until noon on Sunday at the very latest.  While most will clear camp on Sunday relatively early, there is the opportunity to stay a bit longer than most, though we also do ask you to coordinate your stay on Sunday with the Pack leaders.

Lastly, please find attached the map for this year's camping trip. Happy Camping!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Committee

Friday, October 7, 2022

Sudden Pond Camping Trip: Details

Hello Pack 722,

Our annual pack camping trip to Sudden Pond in Harold Parker State Forest returns this year on Friday, October 14 through Sunday, October 16.  We are excited to be back at Sudden Pond for this Pack 722 tradition and we are thrilled to have you all join us!

Here is a link for the location of the entrance to the Sudden Pond camping area: https://goo.gl/maps/FhnUMu2tf9gweNnW8  The gate at this location is generally closed but will be open for us and we will have the Pack banner up as well at the entrance. There is generally enough parking for everyone but it can get tight, so please keep the number of vehicles to a minimum; we ask there be no more than 1 vehicle per family.

Den activities will take place on Saturday along with our pack campfire/meeting on Saturday night, and potentially a den activity Sunday morning depending on your den - primarily the older Webelos and AOL scouts that may be working on cooking requirements. Scouts are not required to spend the entire weekend to participate in any of the den and/or pack activities, but we do ask that each scout planning to camp has a parent/guardian accompanying them.  Scouts and families can attend as much as their schedule allows, and siblings are welcome to attend as well.

Scouts and families can arrive as early as 5PM on Friday.and departure is after breakfast Sunday morning.  We ask that before setting up your tent upon arrival, please check in with a scout leader so that you can be directed to the area your den will be using for the weekend.  Camping gear is by family but if you do not have your own gear, please reach out as we may be able to find gear for you or at least direct you to wear it can be attained; stores such as REI have rental equipment available.

The Pack covers the permit costs for the site, provides porta-potties, and will also provide water for refilling water bottles.  Meals will be per family or per Den, with the Saturday evening meal no longer being a Pack wide potluck but rather a potluck at the Den level.

Below are some FAQs but if there are any questions or concerns you have that are not answered here, please reach out.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership

FAQs -

Do we have to stay the entire time?  In short, no. Families are welcome to camp for all of the weekend, for just one evening, or to come for just part of the day on Saturday for den activities and/or the Pack meeting Saturday evening.

What is there to do at Sudden Pond?  Fishing, Hiking, Exploring! - but no Swimming!  Dens will generally plan a few activities on Saturday to work on scout skills and outdoor requirements, but there will be some free time for scouts and families to just relax and enjoy being outdoors.

What temperatures can we expect?  Some years have been hot and muggy while others have gotten chilly enough to warrant hats and gloves.  It is autumn in New England - a beautiful time to be outside but also a bit unpredictable weather-wise.  Please be sure to check the weather forecasts while packing and pack accordingly.

Do I need to be there while my scout is there?  Depends.  For any of the actual overnight portions, yes, we do ask a parent or guardian to be present for the camping part.  However, if your scout is attending during the day for a den activity, you can likely drop-off and pick-up when that activity is completed - consult your den leader to be sure.

Can scouts share a tent?  Younger scouts (Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears) may not share a tent and must stay in a tent with their parent/guardian.  Webelos and AOL scouts are permitted to share a tent, but it must be a scouts-only tent; no adult can be in that tent with them.

Can scouts bring a pocket knife? Only scouts with their Whittling Chip card or those that will be working on earning their Whittling Chip card (consult your Den Leader) can bring a pocket knife to the camping trip. The Whittling Chip card can only be earned by scouts working on their Bear rank or higher, so no Lion, Tiger, nor Wolf scout should have a knife.

What about meals? Generally speaking, families should plan to provide meals for themselves unless the den has planned a cooking activity or arranged a potluck for the den.  Meals at camp for the weekend are Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Sunday breakfast.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Pack Dues

This year's dues are $160/scout, and $150/for each additional scout. Of that amount, $75 is the national fee for the 2022 calendar year including insurance and $48 for the Adventure Card. For those of you who do not know what the benefits of the adventure card are, we suggest you visit this site https://experiencebasecamp.org/pages/adventure-card . The more you use the card, the greater value it is to you. The remaining $37 goes to covering advancements, ceremonies and most campsites.
There are times where a trip has a special activity, such as overnights. These fees are typically passed through to the families.
Please keep in mind, we never intend for a scout to not attend a trip due to financial hardship. If you need assistance, please reach out to either Cubmaster, Geoff Sheau, Treasurer, Mike Festa or Committee Chair, Brad Wagner, or Secretary, Jessica Belyea. We will keep this information confidential and do our best to accommodate your needs.
We are beginning our registration process for the next year and kindly ask that all dues are paid to your Den Leader by November 4th. Please let us know if you cannot make this deadline.
We will be accepting:
Pay by check - Please make checks payable to "Pack 722"
Pay by Venmo - The account is @wakefieldcubscouts (this has changed from last year). Please put your scouts name in the memo. 

Yours In Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Friday, September 30, 2022

Fall Camping Trip - October 14th-16th

Pack 722,

We are confirmed for camping at Sudden Pond in Harold Parker State Forest from Friday, October 14th to Sunday, October 16th

We will have our October Pack meeting around the campfire on Saturday, October 15th. More details to follow - Camp on!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Who Love's Chocolate! Its Fundraising Time

Good Afternoon Scouting Families,

This year Pack 722 has decided not to sell popcorn.  Instead, we will be passing out boxes of chocolate bars to each scout.  Each bar is $2 a piece.

There are no limits to the number of boxes you can sell.  The only limits are your imagination and window of time - October 1-November 4th.

Your Den Leaders will have your boxes by this Sunday and will reach out to you about distribution.  By Friday November 4th we are asking for all funds to be returned to your Den Leaders.

We are accepting cash and checks made out to Pack 722 only.

Attached is a flyer with all the important information.  A few ideas for selling: Family, Friends, Neighbors, promote as a Halloween Candy idea, Sell at fall sport events.  As always - we also accept donations.

Don't forget - the top seller gets to throw a pie in their leader/family members face :)

Can't wait to see what everyone can sell.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Fall Camping Trip

Hello Pack 722,

We are still working to finalize the dates for our fall camping trip but it will not be this coming weekend, Sept. 30th to Oct. 2nd.  The weekend we are targeting is October 14th-16th. We do apologize for not having this nailed down already and will send out confirmation of the dates as soon as possible.

Our camping trip will be to Sudden Pond in Harold Parker State Forest up in Andover and is open to siblings and family.  We will have a Pack campfire Saturday evening and Dens will run activities during the day.  Scouts and families do not have to stay overnight to participate in the activities and likewise, scouts and families can leave and return during the weekend for things such as sports.

We will send out confirmation and additional details for the camping trip once we receive notification from the DCR that we have the site for our requested weekend and again, apologies for not having this solidified already.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Pack 722: Kick-Off Pack Meeting

Hello Pack 722,

We kick off the scouting year on Friday, September 16th - 6:30PM @ the Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church, 273 Vernon Street.  https://goo.gl/maps/JaVowDbY35L8jyaG6  This will be our first official year as a merged, single Cub Scout Pack here in Wakefield and as you can see, we now have two very supportive congregations and facilities.  Much thanks to First Parish Congregational Church and Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church!

Join us at the meeting and learn about all the adventures and service work our scouts completed over the summer, and hear about what we have planned for the coming year.  We have some changes to fundraising this year as well to share with you.

Invite a friend to come as well to see what scouting is about and perhaps join us!

We are excited to get the Pack together again.  See you there!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Committee

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Freedom Trail Hike Update

Hello, Scouting Families,

After consulting with some Cub Scout folks who have done the Freedom Trail hike before, I am going to change a few things about the hike to make it go more smoothly. 

  • Instead of meeting at the Bunker Hill Monument, we will be meeting at the Oak Grove Orange Line Station at 9:15 am
  • We will take the Orange line from Oak Grove to Downtown Crossing
  • Everyone should download and print out the Cub Scout Freedom Trail Hike Worksheet to bring with them
  • The hike will take about 3+ hours to complete
  • Because this is a historic hike, scouts are required to wear their Class A uniform
  • Scouts should pack their 6 essentials
  • We will hike out of the City and conclude at the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Freedom Trail Hike

Hello, Pack 722!

On August 13th, at 10:00 am, the Pack will be hiking the Freedom Trail starting at the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown and ending in Boston Common. There is parking in front of Whole Foods near the T entrance about 4 blocks from the Bunker Hill Monument. This is a 2.5 mile hike through mostly flat neighborhoods. Click here for information on the Freedom Trail or visit this website

There are many historical sites along the trail that we can visit if the scouts are up for it, however, it may take a long time to tour all of the sites. I would like to keep the hike to around 2 hours max. I'm thinking that maybe we can tour 1 or 2 of the most important sites along the way. Let me know your thoughts in this form: https://forms.gle/HZEMyki664pLQNqM8

I plan to picnic on Boston Common after the hike but feel free to head back or get lunch elsewhere. After lunch, the easiest thing for everyone to do is take the T back to Charlestown where you parked. The shutdown on the Orange line do not start until the 19th. 

This is a historical trail so there is a special patch that you will get for hiking it. 



Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Summertime Activity: Community Clean-Up @ Greenwood School

Hello Pack 722,

Community Clean-Up: @ Greenwood School, play area and adjacent greenspace at rear. 8:30-10AM  Please note the change in location from Paddy Heights to Greenwood School!!!

This Saturday, July 30, we have another opportunity to participate in a Pack summertime activity and do a good turn for the community.  Bring a trash bag and gloves, and please wear closed toed shoes.  Wearing pants is advised as well due to the presence of poison ivy in some areas of the greenspace. 

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Committee

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Kickball Game - Bring a Friend!

Hello Pack 722,

Hope you all had a wonderful July 4th and much thanks to those who came out to march/drive in the parade!

The fun keeps rolling with the Pack during the summer.  This Saturday, July 9th - 9AM to 11AM @ Mapleway Playground / Ball Field, there will be a kickball game, but - we need to gather together enough players.  So, to make sure we have enough kids to play, bring a friend or friends with you - they are all invited to play!  Bring sun protection and water, and be sure to wear good footwear.

FUN FACT: Did you know that Kickball was once a belt loop that cub scouts could earn.  Alas, no longer - but we can still have fun playing it!

From Mapleway, you can also take a stroll through our town forest and there are some geocaches in the area, as well.  Hope you will join us!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Thursday, June 30, 2022

4th of July Parade Information

Hello Scouts!

Pack 722 is again walking in the 4th of July parade after a long hiatus due to COVID-19. If you haven't been in the parade before, it is amazingly fun. Being in a parade is a requirement for some scout ranks and will count as a July activity toward your Summer Pack award. 

Dress Code:
Class A uniforms. Generally, it is hot so dress for the weather.

What to bring:
  • Sunscreen
  • Water
  • Maybe a snack
  • Wear your scout hat if you have one
  • Good walking shoes
  • You should plan to come around 3:00 to catch the shuttle to the top of the lake. Sometimes these can take a little while to show up. Alternatively, you can walk up North Ave.You may want to come earlier to make sure you can park at MG Fitness or the Galvin.
  • Line up for the parade is at 4:00 pm and the parade starts at 5:00 pm.
How do I get there?:

If you are being dropped off at the staging area by car or arriving by bus: Use 607 North Avenue Wakefield, MA 01880 for GPS directions. As you approach the staging area you will see signs and receive instructions for drop-off at the Lakeside Office Park. Please turn down Willard Rd., take the 3rd left in the lot, and head towards the tent. 
  • We have to be in the staging area at Lakeside by 4:00pm for line up as the streets along the parade route and I-95/128 exit 39 will be blocked off starting at 4:00pm. We are usually in the area behind the building that Glamatics is in. 
  • Groups arriving in multiple vehicles are asked to meet at Wakefield Memorial High School at 60 Farm St. to consolidate cars before heading to the main parking lots at the end of the route at the Galvin Middle School or MG Fitness. I've found a space at MG fitness in the past or dropped people off at the Lakeside Office Park then drove back toward downtown and parked.
  • You will receive instructions on where to park as you approach the Galvin, 525 Main St Wakefield, MA 01880. 
  • Parking locations will be determined by the End of Route volunteers and you may be directed to park at the school or gym. Two shuttle busses will depart from the front doors of the school and gym making loops between the end and beginning of the parade starting at 12:30pm and the last shuttle will leave for the staging area at 3:45pm. 
  • If you plan to use the shuttle, please arrive early and meet the bus at the front of the school or the gym.]
  • Please carpool as much as possible to reduce the number of vehicles in the parking lots. Once spots are taken, we have limited parking options available.
  • Upon arrival at the staging area, a volunteer will assist you in finding your designated location. We are no longer shuttling people to their staging location in golf carts. You are expected to walk to your designated location. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
  • All vehicles not participating in the parade are limited to 30 minutes in the staging area for drop-off. After 30 minutes they will be sent towards the Galvin Middle School/MG Fitness parking areas to wait for their group. You will be trapped until after the parade if you do not leave before the roads close.
  • If you are taking the shuttle from the end to the staging area, please arrive in the middle school or gym parking area BEFORE 3:30pm in order to be in the staging area for 4:00pm. 
  • The last shuttles will leave the parking areas at 3:45pm. 
  • Once the roads start to close it will be very difficult to get to the staging area or the end of route parking area. 
  • Bathroom facilities will be available in the staging and parking areas 
  • ]No alcohol is to be consumed in the staging area or during the parade. 

Parade Information:
  • The parade is 1.9 miles long and ends at the Galvin Middle School. 
  • The parade is held rain or shine. In the event of severe weather, you will be contacted.
  • It will take approximately 1 hour once you have begun walking in the parade, to finish
Your Scout Pack

Friday, June 24, 2022

Reminder: JJ Round Park Cleanup

Hello Pack 722,

Hope you all are enjoying the last day of school for those of you in the WPS system, and Congratulations! to all of our Webelos / 4th Graders who are now moving on to Galvin!

This is a reminder that we will be out at JJ Round tomorrow morning, Saturday, June 25th from 8:30AM to 10AM.  We will start with a walk through the town forest and on the way back, we will pick up trash and clean up the forest area of the park.  Class B shirts and hats for this event. Please wear good footwear for a stroll through the woods and bring gloves and a small trash bag to pick up litter.  We will have some larger trash bags available if needed.  Scouts should also bring the 6 essentials, including water and a small snack. 

Hope to see you there!

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Committee

Friday, June 17, 2022

Summertime Cub Scouting

Hello Wakefield Pack 722,

Summertime is just about upon us and the end of school is clearly in sight now.  While we have already held our Pack Crossover, our scouting year continues right through the summer, having been kicked off with the exciting overnight trip to Battleship Cove and the USS Massachusetts down in Fall River, MA. We continue our summer of fun and service with activities primarily here in Wakefield, including the Wakefield July 4th Parade and park cleanups at JJ Round and Paddy Heights.  We also have some activities taking us down to Boston for a historic hike, and summer camps in Manchester, NH and Topsfield, MA.

The activities listed here are pack activities that qualify scouts for the National Summertime Pack Award. To earn the award, scouts must participate in at least one (1) pack activity each month (June, July, August) during the summer.  Scouts earning the award receive a pin that they can proudly wear on their uniforms.

Scouts also have the opportunity to attend summer camps and start working their way towards the Outdoor Activity Award.  We are noting two (2) summer camp experiences on our list with Camp Carpenter fast approaching for those who signed up earlier in the year, and the Topsfield Cub Scout Day Camp, which still has (27) space available.  https://experiencebasecamp.org/products/topsfield-youth-day-camp-2022  Through our Council and New England Basecamp, there are multiple other scouting day camps available - https://experiencebasecamp.org/pages/nebc-day-camps.  All of those camps through New England Basecamp qualify a scout for the Outdoor Activity Award.

Finally, here is our list of activities.  You can also download and print a PDF file listing our activities here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZcLiU3lmtgSQIA05-TKDJvt9hdhOH_O5/view?usp=sharing

·         June 4-5: Battleship Cove

·         June 25th : Clean up at JJ Round (8:30-10:00 AM)

·         June 26th-30th : Camp Carpenter

·         July 1st : Camp Carpenter for AOL scouts

·         July 4th : 4th of July Parade

·         July 9th : Kickball - BRING A FRIEND!

·         July 18-22nd : Day Camp in Topsfield - https://experiencebasecamp.org/products/topsfield-youth-day-camp-2022

·         July 30th : Clean Up at Paddy Heights (8:30-10:00 AM)

·         August 13th: Freedom Trail

·         August 27th : Geocache (location to be determined)

·         Early September: Farmers Markets

Dates and times are subject to change pending weather. Announcements/reminders will be sent as events get closer with details of the event.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Committee

Monday, May 23, 2022

Placing Flags at Lakeside Cemetery TODAY!

Hey all, 
Hope you are all having a good start to the week. Quick reminder that today we will be placing flags at Lakeside Cemetery. 

Arrive: 3pm (probably done around 4 or 4:30)
Wear: CLASS A uniform
Bring: screwdriver, or something like it to puncture the ground. This makes it significantly easier to place the flags. 

Hope to see you all soon! 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Pack Crossover


Here is the schedule for the Pack Crossover this Friday, May 20th.  Please remember the plan is to have the crossover outside the church (First Parish Congregational) in the rear lot with time slots for each rank.  Scouts should wear Class A uniforms.

6-6:20 - Lions & Tigers
6:30-6:50 - Wolf
7:00-7:20 - Bear
7:30-7:50 - Webelos

Weather forecast looks good right now.  Fingers-crossed that holds!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Last Call - Battleship Cove

Last call for Battleship Cove overnight trip, Sat-Sun June 4-5 on the USS Massachusetts in Fall River, MA.  To fill in some details that may have kept you on the fence --

Arrival time is between 2PM and 4:45PM with dinner served at 5:30 and evening activities until 11PM. Reveille at 6:30AM on Sunday, breakfast at 7AM, and full admission all day Sunday to the museum and ship.  Siblings are welcome.  Cost is $35/scout and $69pp for all others.  Financial assistance is available if needed.  We finalize numbers Thursday, May 12 at 2PM to reserve our spaces.  Come join us!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Pack News - May Edition

Good Morning, Pack 722,

First, Battleship Cove - Saturday, June 4th to Sunday, June 5th in Fall River, MA.  Siblings ages 5+ are welcome to join us.  Cost is $35 per scout and $69 per person for all others.  We do have scholarships available for folks if needed - please reach out to your den leader or one of the pack leaders if needed.  Please be sure to sign-up by the end of this week on the Sign-Up Genius at the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094CA9AC2BA0F58-battleship1  We are asking that at least the $35 deposit be submitted via cash or check to one of the pack leaders, or via Venmo (@pack722wakefield - Wakefield Pack Seven-Twenty-Two) by the end of Friday, May 6th.

The pack will have a spring fishing derby at Lake Quannapowitt on Saturday, May 14th - 8AM to 9AM.  This will be on the south end of the lake by the playground.  Corn and worms will be provided by the pack.  We have not yet decided on if we will have any prizes or competitions, but if you have ideas, let us know.  Come out and join us, and tight lines!

Evening of Friday, May 20th - Pack Crossover.  The plan is to run this evening of scout recognition outside and by rank, as we did last year, so keep your eyes open for an announcement on when each rank should plan to arrive.  This is always an exciting evening as we recognize the scouts for their year of working on adventure requirements, culminating in earning that next rank and progressing along the scouting path.  More information to come - save the date!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Committee

Friday, April 29, 2022

NO CHURCH CLEAN-UP - April 30, 2022


As announced at movie night earlier this evening, there is NO CHURCH CLEAN-UP at Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church tomorrow, Saturday, April 30, 2022, due to a funeral service that will be occurring at that time.  Enjoy the weekend and if you see some trash while you are out enjoying the weather, please pick it up and put it in an appropriate receptacle!

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Pack Overnight - Battleship Cove, June 4-5

Hello Pack 722,

Battleship Cove Overnight - USS Massachusetts, Fall River, June 4-5: After a couple years hiatus from doing overnights due to COVID, we are happy to announce we will be headed to Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA to sleep on the USS Massachusetts, take in the naval history preserved there, and participate in their Nautical Nights Overnight program on Saturday, June 4th to Sunday, June 5th.  Please RSVP to the Sign-Up Genius ASAP so we can make sure we reserve the appropriate number of spots for this event -   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094CA9AC2BA0F58-battleship1  $35 deposit per person is due by the end of next week - May 6th.  For now, scouts and parents only as we work to confirm age requirements.

Movie Night Reminder - Reminder to all that we have our annual Movie Night this Friday, April 29th at the Wakefield-Lynnfield Methodist Church on 273 Vernon St.  Pizza at 5:30 PM with the movie currently scheduled to start at 6:45.  Please be sure to sign up on the following Sign-Up Genius so that we know how much pizza to order -   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094CA9AC2BA0F58-popcornpizza4 Also, please bring re-usable water bottles - we will have gallon water jugs to be able to re-fill your bottles.  Please RSVP by Thursday at 5 pm, so that we make sure we have enough pizza and popcorn for everyone.  There is also a spot to mark if you require gluten free pizza.  Please come relaxed, no uniforms required.   Also feel free to bring pillows and blankets to get comfy during the movie.  We look forward to seeing you all there.

Spring Clean-Up, Wakefield-Lynnfield Methodist Church - Saturday, April 30 - 9AM-11AM - The Wakefield-Lynnfield UMC has graciously hosted Pack 712 for many years and is allowing us to host our Movie Night this Friday. To say thank you, Pack 712 has scheduled a leaf and facilities clean-up at the church and invite us to join them in this service project.  A Scout is Helpful!  Please consider attending and helping out.  Please bring rakes, leaf blowers, gloves and tarps to help cleanup - and certainly recommend labeling your gear.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership

Friday, April 22, 2022

Movie Night - April 29th at Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church

Good Afternoon Pack families,

Next Friday, April 29th, 2022 we will be hosting our annual Family Pizza, Popcorn and Movie night.  

We will be hosting this year's event at the Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church on 273 Vernon Street.

Below you will find a detail of the night's timing as well as a signup genius.  Please RSVP by Thursday at 5 pm, so that we make sure we have enough pizza and popcorn for everyone.  There is also a spot to mark if you require gluten free pizza.  Please come relaxed, no uniforms required.   Also feel free to bring pillows and blankets to get comfy during the movie.  We look forward to seeing you all there.

6:45 -9:00 pm - Movie

Please copy this link into your browser to sign up.     https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094CA9AC2BA0F58-popcornpizza4

Yours In Scouting,

Your Pack Committee

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Pack 722 News

Hello Pack 722,

A lot of news since the last Pack-wide message has gone out.  On March 26th, we hosted the Flintlock District's Pinewood Derby at First Parish Congregational Church and we had 2 scouts finish in the top 4 for their rank.  Congratulations to Alex Theisen (Wolf) and Liam MacRobbie (Bear).  On Friday, April 8th, our Pack 722 AOLs crossed over to Troop 701, and have now attended their first troop meeting with the potential to join the remaining troop trips for this scouting year.  Congratulations to the AOL scouts who have earned the highest rank in Cub Scouting!

Speaking of the Flintlock District, we have some exciting news regarding 2 of our Pack leaders. Den Leader Julie Wagner (Den 8, Webelos) is being awarded the Cub Scout Leader of the Year Award at the Distirct level for her outstanding and demonstrated superior leadership for the betterment of the Cub Scouting program at the unit level.  Den Leader / Popcorn Kernel / Computer Guy Neal Ellis (Dens 5/14, Webelos) is being awarded the Flintlock District Service Award for his rendering of highly notable service over the past year(s) to the Flintlock District.  Please join us in congratulating and most of all thanking Julie and Neal on their awards and for their service!

For the Pack, a few changes to the calendar.  First, the Pack meeting that was originally scheduled for this Thursday, April 14th is cancelled and has been shifted to our re-scheduled movie night, which will be held Friday, April 29th at the Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church at 273 Vernon Street, starting at 5:30PM.  The Wakefield-Lynnfield UMC is where Pack 712 has met and is a space that is now available to us as we continue the merger process with Pack 712.  Additionally, on Friday, April 29th, First Parish Congregational Church is hosting a blood drive, which is why we have moved our meeting place for movie night.  Please keep an eye out for more details on movie night and a sign-up genius so we can get a good idea on numbers for ordering pizza. 

Staying on the theme of Wakefield-Lynnfield UMC and our ongoing merger with Pack 712, we have been invited to join them as they help out around the grounds of the Wakefield-Lynnfield UMC on the Saturday following movie night, April 30th.  Details and times to be announced.  A Scout is Helpful!

Looking further out in the calendar, we are trying to get an overnight to Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA on the calendar for the end of May.  This might cause a conflict with our currently scheduled Pack crossover on Friday, May 20th, so be on the lookout for an exciting announcement for our first non-camping Pack overnight trip in 2+ years and a potential re-scheduling of the Pack crossover.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership

Saturday, March 26, 2022

2022 Districts Pinewood Derby

Hello Pack 722,

Cheer on our Pack 722 Districts Pinewood Derby from the comfort of your homes.  You can watch Districts Derby, happening now at the church, at the following link:

Start times by rank are as follows:

Start Times:
Lions - 9:00
Tigers - 10:00
Wolves - 11:00
Bears - 12:00
Webelos 1 - 1:00
Webelos 2/AOL - 2:00

Good Racing to our scouts racing today!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Leadership

Saturday, March 12, 2022

2022 Pinewood Derby Results

2022 Wakefield PACK 722 Pinewood Derby Results

1. Oliver Rewynn

1. Conor Newcomb
2. Leif Mathisen
3. Cole Hildonen
4. Asher Simmons

Best in Den: Joshua Houl, Squirtle

1. Alex Theisen
2. Max Fanjoy
3. Clayton Maier
4. Colton Sheehan

Best in Den: Max Fanjoy, Mando Racer

1. Liam MacRobbie
2. Chance Newman
3. Bruno Hubbard
4. Calvin Sessions

Best in Den: Nicholas Nou, Magnet

1. Cashel Gray
2. Christian Guild
3. Patrick Martin
4. Cat Johnson

Best in Den:
Den 5 - Caden Durrant, Dophinator
Den 8 - Cashel Gray, Midnight Express
Den 14 - Stella Fowler, Piece of Cake

Pack 722 AOLs
1. Jonathan Lannen
2. Hunter Jennings
3. Ben Hubert
4. Mason Hildonen

Best in Den: Mason Hildonen, The Pickle Wagon

Pack 712 AOLs
1. Aiden Robertson
2. Maxwell Blanchard
3. Andrew Marshall
4. Ethan Naper

Best in Den: Jason Barry, J Money

Best in Show - Jason Barry, J Money
Commissioner's Cup - Isaac Edd

Saturday, March 5, 2022

2022 Best in Show

Google Forms
Best in Show contenders are posted and available for voting. Please only vote once per scout.
2022 Best in Show
We are pleased to present and congratulate the winners for best in show per den. Now it is your turn to choose the Best in Show for the entire Pack. Each Scout can vote once.
Fill out form
Create your own Google Form

Link for Virtual Pinewood Derby

Good Morning!

This morning will be the Pack's Pinewood derby held both virtually and you will be able to watch on YouTube live as we run the race. If you want to watch the live races, Click on this link

A link will be coming out later today to vote for the Overall Best In Show.

Yours in Scouting
Your Pack Committees

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

It's Derby Week!

Hello Pack 722,

Welcome to Pinewood Derby Week! Scouts . . . Start Your Engines!!!

Weigh In

The Derby Weigh In will be Friday March 4th from 6:00-8:00 PM (sorry no early check ins).  To help socially distance, we are assigning time slots by rank.  If you have a child in multiple time slots, feel free to come to just one of them.  Looking at the weather forecast right now, check-in will most likely be inside in the basement. Masks are still required when we are indoors.

Lions/Tigers: 6:00

Wolf: 6:25

Bear: 6:50

Webelos: 7:15

AOL: 7:40

All family cars must be checked on Friday night. No cars will be allowed to be checked in on Saturday March 5th (derby day).  All cars will be kept overnight at the church.  If you personally cannot attend the weigh in, please give your car to someone who can check it in for you.  No Uniforms are required.

No car can weigh more than 5 ounces. The Pack uses one scale to record the official weight. All cars are checked in using that one scale to keep things even.  We will have a few tools and graphite to make minor adjustments to your cars if necessary.  

Best in Show

We will be sending out a link to a virtual voting system late Friday night/early Saturday morning to choose the Pack Best in Show.  All voting must be recorded by midnight on Sunday, March 6th. For those of you that are new, Best in Show is chosen by the scouts from the cars that have won Best in Den, as chosen by the scout leaders.

Derby Day

Our Annual Derby will be held at the church on Saturday March 5th.

Our race will be in person and virtual this year. Class A uniforms are required for scouts attending the race at the church. Please note that for everyone attending the races at the church, masks are required per guidance from our local scouting council.

Here is the link for the 2021 Pinewood Derby stream on YouTube. https://youtu.be/VGFPOcA6XWQ  The link for this year's racing will be sent out shortly.

Races are held by rank.  Please make sure to log on 5 minutes prior to your start time if you are attending virtually as we do not wait for everyone to arrive.  Even if you cannot attend the day, your car can race!

•        AOL 9-10

•     Webelos 10-11

•        Bear 11-11:45

•       Wolf 11:45-12:30

•       Tiger 12:30-1:15

•      Lions 1:15-1:45

•      Family Race 1:45

Other Pack News

Camp Carpenter Summer Camp
For those scouts planning to attend summer camp at Camp Carpenter this year, the $100 deposit is due this Friday evening at Derby Check-in.  Please remember to bring it with you.

February Pack Sledding Day
The weather provided us with the unexpected dumping of snow on Sunday, Feb. 13th  that was needed to allow a good number of scouts and scouting families to enjoy a fun afternoon sledding on the slopes of the Doyle school.  It was great to see so many of you out playing in the snow.  Thanks to all who came!

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership