Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Applications, Dues, & Candy

Hello Pack 722,

What a fabulous weekend we had for camping and spending time outdoors together.  We hope you all had a great time!  Some reminders to go through -

First, if you are a scout new to the Pack this year and have not either applied online or submitted a paper application already, please do so ASAP.  If we can get your scout's application into Council this week, they should be added to our roster and ScoutBook much quicker so we can start tracking their advancements and progress in scouting!  Attached is a PDF fillable application.  Please print it out, sign it, and scan it back in - they can be sent to the Pack email address.  Please note that we prefer to receive paper applications to submit.  Also note that if you did join the Pack via the online application at, you are all set as far as dues are concerned.

Second, Pack Dues - $160 for the first scout, $150 for additional scouts in your family.  Financial assistance is available!  Please reach out to your den leader or to the Pack email address.  We want to make scouting available to everyone and will work with you to make sure the finance part is not a roadblock.  We are asking that dues be submitted no later than November 4th.  There are 2 ways to pay dues -
Pay by Check - Please make checks payable to "Pack 722"
Pay by Venmo - The account is @wakefieldcubscouts (this has changed from last year). Please put your scouts name in the memo.

Lastly, the Pack fundraiser continues with the hope that all scouts will sell a minimum of 2 boxes of candy.  Based on what we have heard, it seems sales are going well.  Let's keep it up through the end of October!  Money from candy sales is due on November 4th and can be submitted to your den leader.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership