Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sledding is a Go!

Good Morning Pack 722,

After that unseasonably warm weather yesterday, the weather has turned back to winter and given us some snow cover for sledding.  We will be out at Doyle from 2-3PM today.  Conditions may be a bit sloppy but it appears we'll have enough to get some runs in and have a good time.  Hope to see you out there!

Your Pack Committee

Friday, February 11, 2022

February Pack Events

Hello Pack 722,

The Pack is keeping an eye on the weather for this Sunday (13th) which is when we planned to have a Pack sledding event at the Doyle School from 2-3PM, but it does not appear the weather will cooperate.  If we get an unexpected dumping of snow between now and then, the sledding outing will be a go - but not looking too good, right now.


We did add a Pack Pinewood Derby Workshop to the calendar.  Unlike our previous workshops, this is not a rough-cutting, get your scout's car started type-of-event, but rather more of a mid-process or finishing up workshop.  Thursday, February 17th, 6:30PM - We will meet at the church in the basement to assist any folks that would like some help getting those pesky wheels and axles mounted to the car, help with getting weights (bring your own) added, and weighing out cars on the Pack scales - along with any other things we can assist with.  We will have some tools and jigs available - please feel free to bring your own, as well.  Class B uniforms for scouts - class A not required.

Reminder that Pinewood Derby is March 4th and 5th, with a Friday evening car check-in and racing on Saturday. All cars need to be checked-in on Friday, so if you cannot attend the check-in time, please make arrangements to have someone else bring the car to check-in. In addition to awarding trophies for the top 4 finishers for each rank, all scouts have the option to shoot for the Best in Den and Best in Show categories - the largest of all trophies going to the Best in Show winner.  Lastly, there is a family race so if siblings, parents, etc. are wanting to build a car, they are welcome to do so and race in the family race; they also need to be checked in on Friday.  Our current plans for Pinewood Derby are to run it as a hybrid in-person and virtual affair.  More details on that to come.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Committee