Saturday, March 6, 2021

Derby Winners and Voting for Pack Best in Show

WOW! What an amazing day of racing!  We can tell all of our scouts spent so much time on their cars.  You should all be very proud and we hope you had a lot of fun.

We would like to apologize for those who signed on right at 9am.  You were given the wrong link.  Once again, technology got the best of us.  But we were able to resolve it and continued with racing.

Congratulations to our winners:

1. Nicholas Hurley
2. Jake Garfield
3. Caitlin Pothier
4. Benjamin Hatheway

1. Hunter Jennings
2. Jonathan Lannen
3. Mason Hildonen
4. Ben Hubert

1. Jace Maier
2. Owen Morriseau
3. Christian Guild
4. Stella Fowler

1.  Liam MacRobbie
2. Alex Turner
3. Bruno Hubbard
4. Chance Newman

1. Salvatore Constantino
2. Clayton Maier
3. Cadance Jennings
4. Owen Sawyer

Family Race
1. Morgan MacRobbie
2. Teagan Guild
3. Jim Turner
4. Cole Hildonen

As a reminder, cars and trophies will be sent home with the den leaders to pass out to the scouts.  Any registered scout who took first place for their den level will be contacted later about the District Derby currently scheduled for April 10th.  Please make sure to keep your cars in a safe place.

Best In Show

The voting for Pack Best in Show is still live until midnight tonight.  Each scout gets 1 vote.  You can vote on the Pack Best in Show award here:

Our Den winners for Best in Show are:
Tigers - Owen Sawyer
Wolf - Alex Turner
Bear 5 - Sylvan Sheau
Bear 8 - Ben Niles
Bear 14 - Leah Ellis
Webelos - Ben Hubert
AOL 3 - Josh Spaulding
AOL 6 - George Carroll

Every year our Derby Commissioner (Mr. Pothier) selects one car which he feels most represents a car  with scout spirit.  This year's winner is Nolan Fox from Tigers with his car "Oinkers Express".  Congratulations Nolan.

New Link for Pinewood Derby Live

Sorry folks! We had an issue with the live stream. It is working now. The link is

You Pack Committee

Friday, March 5, 2021

Pinewood Derby Best in Show and Where to Watch!

Hello Pack 722!

Tomorrow morning will be the Pack's Pinewood derby that you will be able to watch on YouTube live as we run the race. If you want to watch the live races, Click on this link:

·         AOL 9-10

·         Webelos 10-10:45

·         Bear 10:45-11:45

·         Wolf 11:45-12:30

·         Tiger 12:30-1:15

·         Family 1:15-?

You can also vote for the "Best in Show" award. This is the award given to the best looking or most creative car. Each car was selected after being selected and voted on by a selection committee. You can vote on the Best in Show award here:

Your Pack Committee