Good Afternoon Scouting Families,
This year Pack 722 has decided not to sell popcorn. Instead, we will be passing out boxes of chocolate bars to each scout. Each bar is $2 a piece.
There are no limits to the number of boxes you can sell. The only limits are your imagination and window of time - October 1-November 4th.
Your Den Leaders will have your boxes by this Sunday and will reach out to you about distribution. By Friday November 4th we are asking for all funds to be returned to your Den Leaders.
We are accepting cash and checks made out to Pack 722 only.
Attached is a flyer with all the important information. A few ideas for selling: Family, Friends, Neighbors, promote as a Halloween Candy idea, Sell at fall sport events. As always - we also accept donations.
Don't forget - the top seller gets to throw a pie in their leader/family members face :)
Can't wait to see what everyone can sell.
Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Committee