Hello Pack 722,
We kick off the scouting year on Friday, September 16th - 6:30PM @ the Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church, 273 Vernon Street. https://goo.gl/maps/JaVowDbY35L8jyaG6 This will be our first official year as a merged, single Cub Scout Pack here in Wakefield and as you can see, we now have two very supportive congregations and facilities. Much thanks to First Parish Congregational Church and Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church!
Join us at the meeting and learn about all the adventures and service work our scouts completed over the summer, and hear about what we have planned for the coming year. We have some changes to fundraising this year as well to share with you.
Invite a friend to come as well to see what scouting is about and perhaps join us!
We are excited to get the Pack together again. See you there!
Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Committee