Hello Pack 722,
We are still working to finalize the dates for our fall camping trip but it will not be this coming weekend, Sept. 30th to Oct. 2nd. The weekend we are targeting is October 14th-16th. We do apologize for not having this nailed down already and will send out confirmation of the dates as soon as possible.
Our camping trip will be to Sudden Pond in Harold Parker State Forest up in Andover and is open to siblings and family. We will have a Pack campfire Saturday evening and Dens will run activities during the day. Scouts and families do not have to stay overnight to participate in the activities and likewise, scouts and families can leave and return during the weekend for things such as sports.
We will send out confirmation and additional details for the camping trip once we receive notification from the DCR that we have the site for our requested weekend and again, apologies for not having this solidified already.
Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership