Saturday, March 26, 2022

2022 Districts Pinewood Derby

Hello Pack 722,

Cheer on our Pack 722 Districts Pinewood Derby from the comfort of your homes.  You can watch Districts Derby, happening now at the church, at the following link:

Start times by rank are as follows:

Start Times:
Lions - 9:00
Tigers - 10:00
Wolves - 11:00
Bears - 12:00
Webelos 1 - 1:00
Webelos 2/AOL - 2:00

Good Racing to our scouts racing today!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Leadership

Saturday, March 12, 2022

2022 Pinewood Derby Results

2022 Wakefield PACK 722 Pinewood Derby Results

1. Oliver Rewynn

1. Conor Newcomb
2. Leif Mathisen
3. Cole Hildonen
4. Asher Simmons

Best in Den: Joshua Houl, Squirtle

1. Alex Theisen
2. Max Fanjoy
3. Clayton Maier
4. Colton Sheehan

Best in Den: Max Fanjoy, Mando Racer

1. Liam MacRobbie
2. Chance Newman
3. Bruno Hubbard
4. Calvin Sessions

Best in Den: Nicholas Nou, Magnet

1. Cashel Gray
2. Christian Guild
3. Patrick Martin
4. Cat Johnson

Best in Den:
Den 5 - Caden Durrant, Dophinator
Den 8 - Cashel Gray, Midnight Express
Den 14 - Stella Fowler, Piece of Cake

Pack 722 AOLs
1. Jonathan Lannen
2. Hunter Jennings
3. Ben Hubert
4. Mason Hildonen

Best in Den: Mason Hildonen, The Pickle Wagon

Pack 712 AOLs
1. Aiden Robertson
2. Maxwell Blanchard
3. Andrew Marshall
4. Ethan Naper

Best in Den: Jason Barry, J Money

Best in Show - Jason Barry, J Money
Commissioner's Cup - Isaac Edd

Saturday, March 5, 2022

2022 Best in Show

Google Forms
Best in Show contenders are posted and available for voting. Please only vote once per scout.
2022 Best in Show
We are pleased to present and congratulate the winners for best in show per den. Now it is your turn to choose the Best in Show for the entire Pack. Each Scout can vote once.
Fill out form
Create your own Google Form

Link for Virtual Pinewood Derby

Good Morning!

This morning will be the Pack's Pinewood derby held both virtually and you will be able to watch on YouTube live as we run the race. If you want to watch the live races, Click on this link

A link will be coming out later today to vote for the Overall Best In Show.

Yours in Scouting
Your Pack Committees

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

It's Derby Week!

Hello Pack 722,

Welcome to Pinewood Derby Week! Scouts . . . Start Your Engines!!!

Weigh In

The Derby Weigh In will be Friday March 4th from 6:00-8:00 PM (sorry no early check ins).  To help socially distance, we are assigning time slots by rank.  If you have a child in multiple time slots, feel free to come to just one of them.  Looking at the weather forecast right now, check-in will most likely be inside in the basement. Masks are still required when we are indoors.

Lions/Tigers: 6:00

Wolf: 6:25

Bear: 6:50

Webelos: 7:15

AOL: 7:40

All family cars must be checked on Friday night. No cars will be allowed to be checked in on Saturday March 5th (derby day).  All cars will be kept overnight at the church.  If you personally cannot attend the weigh in, please give your car to someone who can check it in for you.  No Uniforms are required.

No car can weigh more than 5 ounces. The Pack uses one scale to record the official weight. All cars are checked in using that one scale to keep things even.  We will have a few tools and graphite to make minor adjustments to your cars if necessary.  

Best in Show

We will be sending out a link to a virtual voting system late Friday night/early Saturday morning to choose the Pack Best in Show.  All voting must be recorded by midnight on Sunday, March 6th. For those of you that are new, Best in Show is chosen by the scouts from the cars that have won Best in Den, as chosen by the scout leaders.

Derby Day

Our Annual Derby will be held at the church on Saturday March 5th.

Our race will be in person and virtual this year. Class A uniforms are required for scouts attending the race at the church. Please note that for everyone attending the races at the church, masks are required per guidance from our local scouting council.

Here is the link for the 2021 Pinewood Derby stream on YouTube.  The link for this year's racing will be sent out shortly.

Races are held by rank.  Please make sure to log on 5 minutes prior to your start time if you are attending virtually as we do not wait for everyone to arrive.  Even if you cannot attend the day, your car can race!

•        AOL 9-10

•     Webelos 10-11

•        Bear 11-11:45

•       Wolf 11:45-12:30

•       Tiger 12:30-1:15

•      Lions 1:15-1:45

•      Family Race 1:45

Other Pack News

Camp Carpenter Summer Camp
For those scouts planning to attend summer camp at Camp Carpenter this year, the $100 deposit is due this Friday evening at Derby Check-in.  Please remember to bring it with you.

February Pack Sledding Day
The weather provided us with the unexpected dumping of snow on Sunday, Feb. 13th  that was needed to allow a good number of scouts and scouting families to enjoy a fun afternoon sledding on the slopes of the Doyle school.  It was great to see so many of you out playing in the snow.  Thanks to all who came!

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership