Pack 722,
Here are some additional details for the camping trip plus a map of the camping area and where Dens should set up.
Water - There is no potable water at Sudden Pond. The Pack will bring some gallon jugs of water and some of the scout leaders will bring large water containers, but generally speaking, please come prepared with enough water for your family.
Cooking and Eating - The Pack does not provide stoves nor plates, bowls, utensils nor cups. Please bring what you need to cook and eat your meals.
Toilets - The Pack has arranged for there to be porta-potties on site. There are no other toileting facilities nearby.
Pack Meeting - Class A uniforms are not required. We do recommend a camp chair for sitting around the campfire.
As noted previously, please do not show up earlier than 5PM Friday if you plan on camping Friday evening. Please also note that we do have the camping area at Sudden Pond until noon on Sunday at the very latest. While most will clear camp on Sunday relatively early, there is the opportunity to stay a bit longer than most, though we also do ask you to coordinate your stay on Sunday with the Pack leaders.
Lastly, please find attached the map for this year's camping trip. Happy Camping!
Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Committee