Friday, June 17, 2022

Summertime Cub Scouting

Hello Wakefield Pack 722,

Summertime is just about upon us and the end of school is clearly in sight now.  While we have already held our Pack Crossover, our scouting year continues right through the summer, having been kicked off with the exciting overnight trip to Battleship Cove and the USS Massachusetts down in Fall River, MA. We continue our summer of fun and service with activities primarily here in Wakefield, including the Wakefield July 4th Parade and park cleanups at JJ Round and Paddy Heights.  We also have some activities taking us down to Boston for a historic hike, and summer camps in Manchester, NH and Topsfield, MA.

The activities listed here are pack activities that qualify scouts for the National Summertime Pack Award. To earn the award, scouts must participate in at least one (1) pack activity each month (June, July, August) during the summer.  Scouts earning the award receive a pin that they can proudly wear on their uniforms.

Scouts also have the opportunity to attend summer camps and start working their way towards the Outdoor Activity Award.  We are noting two (2) summer camp experiences on our list with Camp Carpenter fast approaching for those who signed up earlier in the year, and the Topsfield Cub Scout Day Camp, which still has (27) space available.  Through our Council and New England Basecamp, there are multiple other scouting day camps available -  All of those camps through New England Basecamp qualify a scout for the Outdoor Activity Award.

Finally, here is our list of activities.  You can also download and print a PDF file listing our activities here:

·         June 4-5: Battleship Cove

·         June 25th : Clean up at JJ Round (8:30-10:00 AM)

·         June 26th-30th : Camp Carpenter

·         July 1st : Camp Carpenter for AOL scouts

·         July 4th : 4th of July Parade

·         July 9th : Kickball - BRING A FRIEND!

·         July 18-22nd : Day Camp in Topsfield -

·         July 30th : Clean Up at Paddy Heights (8:30-10:00 AM)

·         August 13th: Freedom Trail

·         August 27th : Geocache (location to be determined)

·         Early September: Farmers Markets

Dates and times are subject to change pending weather. Announcements/reminders will be sent as events get closer with details of the event.

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack 722 Committee