Friday, August 6, 2021

August Pack Events

Hello Pack 722,

Here are our August Pack events. As a reminder, participation in a Pack event each month through the summer qualifies scouts for the National Summertime Pack award.  Additionally, participation in one of the park cleanups qualifies scouts for recognition in Scouts BSA's Summer of Service.  And for those scouts that complete one (or more) of the historic hikes, there are patches and medals that will be awarded.

Saturday, August 7 - 9:00AM - Park Cleanup, Paddy Heights ( - Bring gloves and a trash bag. Class B uniforms.  We will spend an hour tidying up this park that not only has a veterans memorial but is also the recent site of an Eagle Scout Project.

Saturday, August 14 - 8:00AM - Bedford Flag Trail - 5.5 miles from Bedford to North Bridge in Concord, MA.  More details to follow but this trail includes 1.5 miles of on-road walking and is recommended for the older scouts in the Pack. Contact Geoff Sheau with any questions.

Saturday, August 28 - 8:30AM - Fishing at the Lower Common on Lake Q: Bring a Friend!!  We are encouraging you all to bring a friend along for some fishing fun at Lake Q.

As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership