Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Cub Scouting Pack Meeting


The first Pack Meeting of the year is this Friday, September 17th at First Parish Congregational Church by the lake. Come join us at 6:00PM as we kick the year off!  Please note the time change from what was on the calendar earlier.

Cub Scouting is Outdoors!  We are planning for our first pack meeting to be outside.  Because we are planning to be outdoors, scouts are asked to wear their class B uniforms so we do not have to worry about losing those neckerchiefs and slides.  Please come prepared with chairs for all those that wish to have a seat.  Den leaders will be bringing blankets for their dens to sit together on during the first half of the meeting.  If it does rain, we will meet inside the church and everyone will be required to wear a mask indoors regardless of vaccination status.

We will recognize the scouts that were active with the pack during the summer including participating in service work, completing historic hikes, and attending residential summer camp.  We will also discuss our upcoming pack camping trip (after a 2 year absence) and some beginning of the year business, including dues and fundraisers.  Please do your best to attend to find out about all the things going on with the Pack - lots of adventures ahead.

Lastly, please find below a link to a flyer that we hope you will share with your friends in the area.  Cub scouting is open to all kids in grades K-5.  Bring your friends!

Yours in Scouting,
Your Pack Leadership