Very important: If you will be arriving late (especially after 3 pm), please let Jeff know by email (jeffrey (dot) crump (at) gmail (dot) com) or cell phone (781-258-3298) We need to know because they lock the gates when the museum closes to the public. Call Jeff on Saturday for any emergencies.
Cub Scouts are strongly encouraged to wear their uniforms on Saturday.
Things to bring:
- Sleeping bag and pillow
- Flashlight, toothbrush
- Change of clothes for Sunday
- Winter cap and warm pajamas as we've heard it can get cold in the berths.
- Keep an eye on the weather and bring an appropriate jacket/raincoat.
Saturday April 9
- 1:00 Arrival/Registration
- 1:30 Fire Drill/Safety Briefing
- 1:45 Group Orientation
- 2:00 Ships Tour
- 3:00 Activities/Training Rotation
- 6:15 Dinner
- 6:45 Mess Clean up
- 7:00 Free Time
- 7:30 Movies
- 10:00 Report to Berthing
- 10:30 Lights Out
- 7:00 Reveille
- 7:15 Berthing Area clean up
- 7:30 Breakfast
- 8:00 Mess clean up
- 8:15 Scavenger Hunt
- 9:20 Boston Harbor Cruise (1 1/2 hours)
- 11:00 Departure