Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Fresh off of our awesome camping trip to Sudden Pond, our popcorn fundraiser is moving into the final stretch!

To date we have 5 scouts who have sold over $500.00 worth of popcorn each and have been entered into the weekly drawing. If you hit the $500.00 mark don't to forget to contact our Popcorn Kernel so you can be entered as well.

There are slots still available for or second Show & Sell, Saturday, October 17 outside Honey Dew Donuts by the Head of the Lake from 11am to 3pm. Scouts who attend the Show & Sells get credit for sales made and can add that to their popcorn totals.

Our Kernel will be collecting Take Order Forms at our next Pack Meeting on Thursday, October 22, with the last day to turn in forms on Sunday, October 25.