Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Fwd: Lowell Spinners August 10th 5:05 Game

Just a reminder you have until Friday to register for this activity.  

Your Pack Committee

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: CubScout PackSevenTwoTwo <cubscoutpack722wakefield@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 8:10 PM
Subject: Lowell Spinners August 10th 5:05 Game
To: Cub Scout Pack 722 <cubscoutpack722wakefield@gmail.com>

We have booked a Lowell Spinners game on August 10. We need to give  a final headcount by July 19th.

The overnight is $34pp. It includes a meal voucher for  hot dog, chips and a drink. (no breakfast)
- Theme is hockey night.  Charlie Coyle will be in attendance
- Pre-game scout parade
- Every scout gets a badge
- Movie (TBD) is shown on the big left field scoreboard

Another option is the game only for $10 pp or if they want the meal voucher with the game, its $21.25. 

Please fill out the attached google form so that we can give the head count.  All payments must be made by July 31st either by Venmo or handed to a leader.  https://forms.gle/jZrwjNkYMFfpDDi29

We will send out more specifics about the event as it gets closer and we receive them from the organization.

Play Ball!
Your Pack Committee