Hello Pack 722,
With the ongoing surge in COVID, the pack committee has determined it is best to proceed with caution and for that reason, we are canceling the January Pack meeting originally scheduled for this coming Thursday. HOWEVER, the folks from Camp Carpenter up in New Hampshire want to meet us all on Zoom (See meeting invite below) so that we all can learn about a week at summer camp. The Pack has already reserved the week of June 26-30th (Sunday through Thursday). I know the group that went up last summer had a great time. Scouts who go, in addition to all the fun and great experiences they will have, will complete some requirements towards their next rank and earn some shooting sports awards. Please join us this Thursday (January 20th) evening at 7:00PM on Zoom - see invite below.
In Pinewood Derby news, the usual workshop at Mr. Pothier's house is canceled due to a hectic weekend schedule for Mr. Pothier and the cautious approach we are taking to the pandemic. If you need assistance with your car, please reach out to your den leader or anyone in a Pack leadership role and we can assist in finding a resource you can use to work on your car. We do want to point out that the Scout Shop in Woburn is able to cut cars (initial rough cuts) and are running hours most days from now through March 1st; Saturdays, 10AM-3PM and Mon-Fri, 10AM-5PM.
Another email will be coming with Pinewood Derby details such as rules, schedule, etc. We do run a family race in addition to the scouts racing, so any sibling, parents, etc. that want to build a car, they can put their efforts into a car of their own that can run on race day! Pinewood derby car kits can be purchased from the Scout Shop. The Pack does have a few extra car kits that we offer for $5 per kit, as well, though we have very limited supply.
Hope you all are staying safe and healthy.
Pack 722 Committee
Pack 722 Wakefield is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Camp Carpenter - Summer 2022
Time: Jan 20, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 3129 8623
Passcode: W5uTzk
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Meeting ID: 871 3129 8623
Passcode: 078133
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