Saturday, March 25, 2023

Flintlock District Pinewood Derby

Hello Pack 722,

Check-in for the District Derby is complete and our 6 scouts are ready to race for a spot at Nationals.  With 15 Packs from the region racing all of their derby winners, our scouts have their work cut out for them - but making it this far already is no small feat.

The race schedule for tomorrow is as follows:
  • 9:00AM - Lions
  • 10:00AM - Tigers
  • 11:00AM - Wolves
  • 12:00PM - Bears
  • 1:00PM - Webelos 1
  • 2:00PM - Arrow of Lights
There is also a virtual presentation of the racing via the following zoom link:

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Committee