Hi Everyone,
I have some summer camp updates to share, but the most important is to register your interest by Feb 28th: https://forms.gle/pWynAzxd3kLsZxFv6
We have until March 31st to register for the early bird discount and want to know how many kids are going to coordinate adult coverage.
What: 4 nights of Overnight Scout Camp (*optional 5th night for current 4th graders)
When: July 16th to 20th (Sunday around noon - Thursday around dinner)
Where: Camp Carpenter - Manchester, NH (less than an hour)
Who: All scouts not moving up to the troop in April. Kids that are graduating kindergarten this year (Lions) will be moving up to Tigers next year and can go with a parent for a discounted joint rate.
Cost: $530 per scout (before 3/15, $550 after). $230 per adult. Tiger pair is $680 for a tiger scout + adult.
Adult Leadership - Myself, Mike Festa, and James Maier went last year and will be running the trip this year. We are looking for additional parents that would like to join us for the week. Please let me know if you are interested. The total number of adults will be based on the number of scouts and should be around 1 per 4 scouts, not including tiger parents. If you would like to come, but cannot stay the entire week, we are allowed to rotate out adults and can coordinate as we get closer.
We had a great time last year, check out the pictures!
The camp website is here:
Yours In Scouting,
722 Pack Committee