Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Pack Calendar

Hello Pack 722,

Hope you all had a joyful holiday season and a very happy new year!  Attached to this email, please find the Pack calendar for winter and spring 2023.  A reminder that these dates and events can also be found on the Pack website where we will do our best to keep them current.  Dates and times are subject to change and details will be provided as we get closer, so please continue to keep an eye on the emails that you receive.

Upcoming Events -

This Friday, January 6th - 6:30PM (Note time change) - Wakefield/Lynnfield UMC - MOVIE NIGHT!  Popcorn will be provided but pizza will not - please plan accordingly.  Please bring reusable water bottles for drinks.  Scouts and siblings are invited, and all are welcome to bring sleeping pads/bags and pillows to set-up for enjoying the movie.

Friday, January 20th - 6:30PM - Wakefield/Lynnfield UMC - Pack Meeting - Our Blue & Gold celebration!

Saturday, January 21st - 9AM to 1PM - Pinewood Derby Workshop - Former Cubmaster Mark Pothier will host the workshop at his house where scouts can access his tools and knowledge to get started on building their derby cars.

Yours in Scouting,
Pack 722 Leadership